Just Greedy !

Published: Fri, 03/11/16

So Greedy We Had Two :D
    Here we are having an impromptu Mothers Day number 1 with my sisters family, my mum and Steves mum on the Saturday after trying some last minute arrangements for Sunday we realise Jane is in London working, my brother was already busy, my other sister is ill. The Prince of Wales to the rescue where they saved us a table and we had a lovely afternoon late lunch (Mum in law and I were being made beautiful at beauty salons until 3.00). Note I am still in my work uniform...not even had time to get changed. Nice big jumper to cover the full belly :D
    ​Another treat on Sunday with hubster cooking the most delicious piece of fillet (I usually cook Sunday dinner). Fillet is my favourite and it was like cutting butter...delicious. All the trimmings, some fizz and nice large glass of shiraz. Yum yum in my tum. Happy Mothers day to all mothers out there :D
Easter Opening
    Well you have spoken...a few of you have anyway and the feedback is that we will be open on Easter Sunday but NOT on the Saturday (due to lack of interest :D - what ARE you like?) from 9.00 until 12.00. There will also be the boxing class going on between 10 - 11.00 so those of you that get perturbed by all the noise and thwacking on the pads, either come before or after and Steve will be around to help you with anything...cooking tips? Smiling lessons? Name That Tune from 1974?
Pilates...The Cure All (Well Almost)
How many of you out there suffer with aches and pains? Stiff joints? Struggle to turn to see in the car? How many of you have a husband who complains that he can't get his socks on? Can't swing in golf like he used to? Do you both struggle to straighten up when you get out of a chair...and you haven't even done anything? There are  3 places in the Men On Mats Pilates class on Mondays at 2.00 and I am starting a NEW Pilates class on Monday mornings 11.00 after Easter for beginners.  Discover how to improve your posture, reduce aches and pains and improve your flexibility by booking your FREE taster slot here. There are only 5 places available as three are already taken. The 1st class will be Monday 4th April. 
Don't Forget Your Vitamins!
 Have you been full of cold, a cough that has gone on for weeks? Legs aching and crampy? Totally forgetful or not being able to sleep? It could be that you need to look at taking a GOOD vitamin supplement. If Boots and Tesco and Sainsburys can sell the vitamins at BOGOFF or 3 for 2 and still make a massive profit on them how good do you think they really are? Berocca? Full of chalk. I haven't had a cold this year...or last...or the one before that. I take regular supplements that I swear keep the miseries away and I generally sleep well. I up my magnesium intake if I have worked hard and don't suffer cramps. Just saying. We sell most of the stuff you need so please have a chat about anything and if I don't know I know a woman who does so will find out for you. My Natures Sunshine website is here
Customer Tip Of The Week
The customer tip of the week from a lady who used to be nurse...I said I wouldn't mention her name is regarding nausea.
For those times when it isn't a bug or you have food poisoning ...that just either need medicine of you ride it. But, if you get motion sickness or just something happens to make you feel queasy here is how to make yourself (or anyone else feel better.
Take deep long breaths in and out with an open mouth and your sick feeling should go off. That simple. I will try it next time :D
That's All Folks
next Friday, Saturday and Sunday I am off to fill my brain full of wonderful things to help the business grow and prosper some more, but the gym will be covered so it won't affect you...apart from you missing my lovely little smiling face that is. See you in the week and stay being lovely

Love Georgia