I Should Know Better

Published: Fri, 02/26/16

Famous Last Words
What did I say last week? I will finish it on Monday. Well that teaches me again! One of my favourite sayings is "never put off 'til tomorrow what can get done today" and I should really try to stick with that. I know what I am like and yep...it didn't get done did it? I got busy again on Monday with the Monday jobs (which isn't writing newsletters ) so here we are o Friday once more with you being shortchanged last week. Hey ho...it's only blather isn't it? I thought you might like to see a pic I found on the internet. I don't know who she is but I like her. This is how i would like to see myself at the gym at her age :D

Class Changes
Monday night tango has been taken off the timetable for now. Class numbers have dropped and Lucas and I have agreed that maybe the dark, cold nights have something to do with it as the time is 8.00pm. We are looking to put a class back on as the nights lighten if there is a call for it. Lucas can teach swing and lindyhop which have a popular vote. If you prefer daytime classes...I do too. I would love to fill my studio with classes all day long. For each new class I need three new members so there is your challenge. You get me 3 new members and I will put on a class of your choice - Balletcise? Yoga? Stretch? Just forward this email, get people to click this link and fill in their details for a free week trial https://underground-fitness.leadpages.co/referral-/
All referees will go into a draw on March 13th for a £25 gift voucher at one of my favourite beauty salons :D 
Month Of The Heart
Seeing as we are nearing the end of February I thought I would throw this one at you this week.
Do you know what to do if you had a suspected heart attack and you were on your own? No? Well I didn't either, and all the first aid training teaches is how to help someone else, not what to do if you are on your own as are most people when this occurs. If your heart is not working properly and you start to feel faint you have approximately 10 seconds before falling unconscious.
1. Phone 999 if you can get to a phone...at least if you do go unconscious emergency help will be on its way
2. Cough repeatedly. A deep breath must be taken before every cough and the cough must be hard and prolonged as if trying to cough from the bottom of your lungs. This should be repeated every two seconds for as long as you are able. The deep breath gets oxygen into the lungs and the vigorous cough help squeeze the heart to keep the circulation going. 
​Just picturing myself doing this has me in fits of giggles but I also know what I will be trying to do if I suffer a heart attack on my own. 
Success Stories
I have seen many, many people in the last 5 years (it will be at the end of the next month) who achieved the most fantastic results either in body, mind or spirit. I would like to get some success stories on the web site for people who are unsure whether to choose us. I am asking for your help again in giving me your story to use to help other people. If you would be willing to answer just three questions and either have a chat on video with the answers or just a photo, please click here [email protected]
Spring Is Getting Sprung
It's coming people, it's coming :D. The nights are getting lighter, the mornings too. My heart is getting happier. Anyone who has their Star Gym Of The Year form still to hand in, please make sure I get it before Tuesday when I will be sending them off. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week.

Love Georgia x