What An Awful Shock

Published: Fri, 03/04/16

Well it has been a very strange week for me this week. Last Friday my baby girl of 21 ended up with us at home for some much needed family time on hearing of the death of Izzy, the best friend of my niece. Although not directly emotionally tied to our family unit, we had met at family parties and seen her and Bronte giggling and acting daft through the years as best friends do. She was on the very same trip Harriet had had to miss last year because of the burns on her legs. It hit us both incredibly hard...their age, the speed the World changes, how fragile we all are and how life can change so dramatically in the blink of an eye. How do I help my brother's family who are so devastated? I have had a very mindful week and sometimes we just need something to happen in our lives that makes us appreciate what we have and not sweat the small stuff. This Sunday is Mothers Day. The Mum who has lost both her girls will be in my heart and I will be giving thanks for the precious gifts I have who are my two babies.

Last Years Frolics
I know I am a bit daft, as are a lot of our members...funny that! Well this is what we got up to the last time it snowed here. Unfortunately the drive and the car park get snowed up pretty quickly so I am writing this looking out of the window wondering when I should call it a day. If it is snowing don't forget to check the website before you set off to make sure we are open or give us a call. http://www.underground-fitness.co.uk/en-us/home.aspx     0114 2353298
Save Your Life Part 2
Last week we had DIY heart attack treatment. This week we have choking. We have all, at some point had a sharp pat on the back when something goes down the wrong way...but what would you do if you were on your own? Being unable to get air in your lungs is very frightening and you need to act fast and try not to panic. 
1. Call 999 and leave the phone off the hook. Even if you can't speak they will hear you and will send help in case you are being attacked or burgled and can't speak.
2. If you can, open the door. It saves them from breaking your door down when they come.
3. Try to throw yourself backwards against a wall to mimic someone thumping your back. Stop after 3 if this doesn't work
4. Make a fist and jam it hard using your other hand  to add force, up and under your breast bone. You can also try using the rounded part of the back of a sofa or chair arm.
5. Last resort, if you haven't passed out already. Go onto all fours. Shooting your arms up and forwards, throw yourself onto the floor hard so your chest and abdomen hit the floor with a smack. 
​Again I am laughing while writing this, having a vivd imagination...but you never know. I might have just saved someones life :D
Meet Wiggly Wobyn
Most of the Zumba ladies have met Wiggly Robyn when she has covered Zumba for me in the past...her name is really Robyn but doesn't go as well, and she is really wiggly. Here we are after teaching at a Charity Zumbathon a couple of years ago. Anyway, she will be teaching Thursday night Zumba from this week and I will be doing when she can't do it as she does already work full time. I am still looking for someone to take on the role full time but you lot are very picky about who you want...or rather don't want, teaching the class. Anu...get yourself qualified!
Easter Opening
Easter is coming so thought I would get in in now and keep reminding you up to the day. I am going up to Scotland to see my Dad but my hubby is staying here in Sheffield. We are definitely closing Good Friday and Easter Monday but, as he is here he has said he will open if there are enough people wanting to use the gym on Saturday and Sunday. There is a form on reception. Please put your name on this form, or reply to me and I will do it for you, of the day or days you are wanting to come in so he can decide whether to have a holiday too or to open up for you keen, lovely lot.
Refer A Friend Vouchers
The refer a friend vouchers for you to pop into your bag will be on reception this week. Remember we need three new members for each new class that I put on so I need your help to be able to give you what you want and make it better with more choice 
And We Are Into Another Month
The month of the mad March hare and having your umbrella blown inside out. What fun :D.
Have a lovely week and keep being lovely.
​Remember to ask if you need anything and I am always open to your comments. Whether I will be able to do anything about them is a different matter :D but I will do my best.

See you in the week.

Love Georgia x