What A Lovely Surprise

Published: Fri, 04/08/16

The Simplest Things
Sitting happily on my couch on a Friday afternoon, writing my newsletter and being 'at work' I feel content, just getting on , doing my thing, saying hello, checking everyone is alright. In walks a lovely member with a bunch of tulips, a thank you card and a massive hug...out come the tears. Thank you so much... you know who you are. You made my day even better by letting me know you had bought purple shoes and had been seeing purple all week letting you know it was time to come back to the gym "because Georgia was everywhere!". I have some incredibly special members...in a good way :D xxx
Don't Forget The Good Stuff
Okay... I have worked out why the photos are loading up sideways on but it is too late for me to mess about with putting it into edit and turning it (for those of you with a iPhone or such like...take your photos sideways on with the 'take photo' on your right side...don't hold your camera upright...won't load onto anything else properly). Here is me mixing my breakfast buns. Packed with all the nuts and seeds any woman of a certain age would need.  These regulate your hormones, are filling, keep your skin looking fab, help you sleep better, and basically act as your natural HRT stabilising mood, preventing tropical moments and are yummy. On sale here for £9.00 starter kit (includes your soya milk and malt extract) and then £6 for the batch to make some more. 
Yorkshire Half Marathon
This Sunday 10th will be the Yorkshire Marathon and the route is coming past the Toby Carvery. This means the roads will be closed from 8.45 in the morning so anyone wanting to come to the gym please be aware, if driving you will need to come a different route and won't be able to park in the car park. We will be open as normal and, weather permitting, you may see a stranger around for a Sunday, possibly with a massage table, depending how the elbows hold up. 
5 Steps Workshop
My next FREE 5 Steps Workshop will be on Sunday 24th April 10.00am - 12.00. Those who have been already will note I have added extra time as it felt rushed the last couple of times it has run and we have had to cut it short. This workshop is for people who have lost the plot as to where they want to go, how they are going to get there and are generally at a loss as to what to do next to move forward with and take control of their lives. Please email me your interest here, and if you can think of anyone who might benefit from this please forward this to them. [email protected]
All Done
Thanks everso to my Men On Mats class this week...you know who you are. If anyone would like to add anything to the newsletter then please let me know. Stay being lovely and have a lovely week. 
Love Georgia x