Can You Help Me ?

Published: Thu, 03/24/16

Well this is what we were doing last weekend, hence you not getting your newsletter. Above are my business mentors surrounded by the crowd Shelley and I got 'raving' at 8.30 on Saturday morning with whistles, glowsticks, glow glasses, MASSIVE beach balls being tossed around the room and major leaping up and down, booty shaking, shimmying and thrusting (you don't want to know!) to very loud music. What a fantastic start to a day! Don't knock it 'til you've tried it :D

Can You Help Me Please?
 I would like to ask you a favour. Why you? Because you lovely people are the reason I am here and want to still be here in another 5 years time.
I value your opinions and what you say can help the way I market my business so that we don't get people who won't fit. My customer base and business model has changed and is dramatically different to how I thought it would be 5 years ago when I first started out. 
Please would you take a few minutes and fill out a 10 Question survey for me so I know a little of how you think and market correctly so we can stay a happy little gym filled with lovely people? Thank you.

Easter Opening
GOOD FRIDAY                    CLOSED
EASTER SATURDAY             9.30 - 11.00
EASTER SUNDAY                 9.00 - 12.00
EASTER MONDAY                 CLOSED
I am going to Glasgow to visit my Dad and Step Mum with Harriet and Sam so you will be looked after by my lovely Hubster. Be kind to him please :D
New Pilates Session
Would you like to discover how to strengthen your core, reduce aches & pains & improve your flexibility? A reminder of the new Pilates session starting on Monday April 4th. Numbers are filling up fast and there are only 3 spaces left so please make sure you book your slot here.
​​​​​​​Remember you can try the first session for free and can then choose whether to upgrade your membership if you are a gym member or pay for a block of 6.

Happy Egg Hunting
 Thats it for me until after Easter. Have a great time with your families, do an egg hunt and be a kid yourself, whether children are around or not. Laugh lots and enjoy some time off. I know I will. See you next week and stay being lovely.

Love Georgia xx