We Are Different Because....

Published: Fri, 04/01/16

Easter Gatherings
Happy Easter to you all. This was what I was doing in extremely sunny Glasgow...yes, you heard it right...extremely sunny Glasgow. Turns out we had better weather than you did down here which makes a change. Anyway, this is my Dad and Step Mum who we don't see often enough. It has been a year and the kids, who are never too old for an Easter egg hunt, finished Easter Sunday morning surrounded by eggs and we were all thoroughly spoiled. 
We Are Different Because...
I have a friend Robbie who has a place very similar to mine but down South. This morning he put a video on this Facebook page. It was basically him talking to camera saying who he was and that for a special, up to midday offer only he was allowing as many people and their friends and family to join his gym. They could pay up front for a year if they liked or be tied into a year or two by direct debit and then they would still have to give 3 months notice. For this 'special offer' they would get a quick show around of the equipment, they might get something written on a card, they might not, but they could use the dirty showers, dry their hair (if they could find a hairdryer that worked) and could use the lockers where stuff gets stolen but not often. Obviously he would love you to join but then if he doesn't see you again for a year he won't be bothered, as long as he is getting your money in regularly. Don't forget, this is a special offer only available until midday today.

This is fabulous and had me laughing my head off. This is why we are different here (and at Robbies place too). There is no hard sell. We care about you. I have always wondered why is it that there are an awful lot of people who sign up for our newsletter, a free class, a free week trial but then never take it up? Are they scared that we are going to try to trap them? I really don't know but I do know that I avoid the person with the clipboard in town as I too HATE being hard sold to. 

If you are one of those people who have avoided taking up an offer you have claimed and now feel a bit like "Oh I can't go now...it's been too long...I will be embarrassed" then please give me a mail. [email protected]. Summer is around the corner as are holidays, summer clothes so now really is the time. There is no hard sell, we listen to what you need, the showers are clean, the hair dryers work and WE CARE about you.
Thank you
Thanks to all of you who took the time to fill in the survey I put on last week. It was really helpful, particularly to find out that my main marketing won't work for 'people of a certain age' as they don't use Facebook. Rethinking being done and one member has actually put forward a good idea. 
She suggested that I ask members if they could think of anyone who would love our little place but never gets around to doing it themselves, to forward on their contact details to me and I will contact them direct with a "Hi, {Sue} has given me your details as she knows your are interested in giving us a try but haven't got around to it yet" type of call or email. 
What do you think? There must be lots of people out there who were at Ladyzone who still haven't got around to joining anywhere. have a think now and let me know please. 

Summer Body Blast
We are starting a Summer Body Blast 4 week course of small group personal training as of next week. We only want people who are committed to losing weight, working hard at home and refusing to put anything in their mouths that isn't healthy. If this is you and you have been interested in personal training but the price has always been a little out of your reach then this could be your way forwards. 
​​​​​​​The cost for the 4 week programme is just £80. For this you will get one group PT session a week of an hour, a home workout and nutritional advice as well as ongoing support and mindset work. Please don't apply if you don't really want to lose weight or don't think you can commit. This is not for you. Those that are willing to work hard and get on it like a bonnet then please sign up here

Lost Property
Please would you look at the water bottles on the top of the large brown cupboard and at Arthur who is wearing a variety of different bits of clothing...including socks which he has been very grateful for. 
If anything is yours please take it. Anything that is left at the end of the week is going to go to the charity shop and Arthur will await his next surprise outfit. Thank you :D

Over And Out
  Our attitudes colour the way we perceive the world. If we can replace critical, impatient, and intolerant attitudes with patient, tolerant, and forgiving ones we automatically find the world, and help to make the world, a less irritating place. I have a mother who has tried my patience this week (and many other weeks) but after speaking to her calmly, yet firmly as one would a child yesterday, today she is sober. Hurrah. And my blood pressure is still where it should be. 
Have a great week, stay being lovely and see you all soon.

Love Georgia x