Tricked You !

Published: Fri, 04/29/16

Lovely Lunch
This is our clan having lunch last Sunday at The York in Broomhill. We met up with a couple we hadn't seen since my grandmothers funeral 20 years ago and it was really lovely to spend time together as we don't all get together very often. After a couple of gin and tonics we girls decided what a great idea it would be to run The London Marathon next year for a charity that Izzy and Beth would have supported. At worst we walk it, at best we get all the way round but do it we will. My girl Harriet is going to do it too so be ready for moaning over sore knees, hips and back throughout the next year as I start to do some training for it. ​​​​​​​
Bank Holiday
Don't forget we are closed this Monday for May Day Bank Holiday.  A traditional May Day dance is known as Maypole Dancing. On May Day, people used to cut down young trees and stick them in the ground in the village to mark the arrival of summer. People danced around them in celebration of the end of winter and the start of the fine weather that would allow planting to begin. Let us sincerely hope we get some of that nice weather to plant in rather than the iced rock we have in our gardens at present :D. That weather last week really made us think we were into Spring and Summer around the corner didn't it? Thanks for that. I am hating you right now. 

Salmon And Strawberries
The Underground summer 'do' date is here. Saturday 25th June is the date for this years Salmon and Strawberry night at Baldwins. if you have never been then we have an absolute blast! The food is great, company wonderful and we dance all night, drink more than we should and generally let our hair down. 
If you wish to attend please sign the form on reception by Wednesday 4th May and full payment of £22.50 is needed in cash by Friday 13th May. Whoohoo! Love a party night :D
Are You Working On It?
 I am a work in progress and I say this to anyone. I am not perfect and I fall off my wagon all the time, but I get right back on it and am a firm believer in that I will get there one day. I have most of these 10 cracked now. There ARE many other things I could write here...but if you work on these 10 first then you will truly find yourself in a much happier place. 
Thursday Class
The Thursday night Zumba class at 7.00 has finally seen its last night due to lack of numbers. Sorry to the 3 or 4 of you who come regularly but it is time to call a close and lay it to bed. We can't say we haven't tried. For whatever reason, Thursday night seems to be the new night to go out and numbers, although once were huge with a waiting list, have been very sad for a couple of years mentor would have a fit if she knew how long i have been flogging this one. Thank you to the troopers who come week in week out. It is for you that I have kept it going for so long xxx 
Have a great Bank Holiday everyone. We are open as normal over the weekend, just closed on the Monday so i hope to see some of you then. Wine and the weekend are upon us, as is May and, hopefully some sunshine and warmth. 
Stay being lovely and thank you for all your support and belly laughs :D

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x