What A Difference !

Published: Fri, 05/13/16

All In One Week
From last week to this week - On the left is the snow and bare trees from last Friday and on the right is a green display of everything that has burst out with the lovely weather we have had over the past couple of days. I love living in Britain at times like this. It is just so lovely to see the view changing so quickly. Amazing!

Ding Ding...All Change
Due to there only being 6 of us that can make the yearly Summer night out we have now changed the date to Saturday 9th July...same place different party. The theme is Caribbean Beach Party with a variety of different food and limbo dancing :D
The normal disco tunes will be played and I am sure we will do our usual job of clearing the floor.
​​​​​​​The price is slightly more than the Salmon and Strawberries at 26 pounds....for some reason my mac won't let me type a pound sign. This day is turning into a nightmare of frustration that I am really trying to keep calm with :D
This will be me next week hahahaha - perhaps I will also doing a bit of pilates on my board looking elegant and serene .... not!
The gym will be open as usual but on Wednesday night it will close at 8.00 as Robyn will be locking up straight after Zumba. So please check Go Team Up class timetable to make sure your class is on. I have most of them covered but I am still waiting to hear back from someone regarding a couple of the Pilates classes and these are the only classes that are not certain yet
Monday 16th and 23rd at 11.00am
Wednesday and Thursday 6.00pm 
I am trying my best to get cover but these are the popular times and all the instructors are already working!
Dance Concert
 Are there any sassy ladies out there who love to dance? Sassy ladies? Members of Underground? Never! 
Well if you love Strictly you will love this! On Sunday afternoon on 26th June Sheffield Symphony Orchestra are putting on a mad, dance your heart out (you can wear spangles and sparkles if you like, feather boa...or just your ordinary clothes) bonanza.
the play list is amazing with show tunes galore that you can sing along to while you boogie the afternoon away.
tickets are between 5 and 10 pounds and I can't wait. 
You can get your tickets from 
www.sheffieldsymphony.org.uk or you can call the ticket secretary on 07948 116427
Also there will be the Sheffield City Giants accompanied by a lively band...more dancing and jigging then :D 
Going Going Gone
That is it...we are going on our jollies. Have a great week without us and I thank Josh, Debs and all the cover staff who have stepped in so we can keep going as smoothly as possible in advance. Stay being lovely and see you next Tuesday.

Love Georgia x