Have You Noticed ?

Published: Fri, 04/15/16

Spring Is Finally Here
Just look at the beautiful sky last week while cheering on the Yorkshire half at the top of the ramp here last Sunday. All the trees have suddenly sprouted green stuff, there is blossom on the trees on our road and our lawn has had its second cut of the year. I hear it is going to snow tonight. Well hey...we do live in England :D ​​​​​​​
What Do You Think?
​​​​​​​It has been in the news recently that dancing is the best way to keep fit, exercise your heart, your lungs and keep your leg muscles strong. I have had to take off daytime dance classes in the past as there wasn't enough uptake. I would really love to ask Lucas to put on either swing, another tango or get another dance teacher in to teach a dance class if there is enough interest. To do this I would have to ask for an extra £10 on your monthly membership if you are a gym only member If you would like to work your whole body in a different way than just using the gym equipment, have fun and learn a new skill and be willing to pay a little more than you are now please mail me back at [email protected]
Can You Help?
 There is a Jumble sale to be geld at Banner Cross Methodist Church on Saturday 23rd April 1 - 3pm.
Please would you have a loo if there is anything that you could give and leave items at the Glenalmond entrance of the church on Friday 22nd April between 2 - 5pm or 9 - 12 noon on the Saturday. Please no electrical or furniture. 
​​​​​​​All proceeds are to go to the Archer Road project (supporting Sheffields Homeless). 
​​​​​​​You can also bring items to me and I will pass them on. 
You Are Doing It Again :D
We have had loads of sign ups recently...people who have signed up, so they have wanted to do it, either come to a class or try the gym....but then never actually do anything about it. Come on you lot! You know who you are and you are just making excuses now. You have taken the first step so you can do it...all you have to do is take the second step and come through the door. If this is you...and you know who you are...then mail me here and I will get in touch with you, meet you for a coffee, help you take that next step that you really want to take but are just scared. 

My Lovely Mouse Cat
How cute is this? My lovely Mouse (named because he has a long, thin tail that was twice as long as him when he was a kitten) came back from the vets today, drunk as a skunk from the sedation and very happy to be home. He has a large stone in his bladder to be removed next week. I am just glad to have him back and I think he is very glad to be back with me :D 
One More Down
 Another week gone, another late night due to picking up the lovely Mouse so not getting time to do the newsletter earlier. Thanks to Robyn for starting the Zumba class due to my late arrival and welcome lovely new ladies and gentlemen to our happy madhouse. 

See you in the week and stay being lovely.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x