What A Success !

Published: Sat, 04/23/16

Whoop Whoop!
The first group training began last week taken by the wonderful Debbie. We have three wonderful women who are on it like bonnets, who are serious about committing to the programme and who want to see a change in the way they look, feel and behave around food with no excuses. In one week these three ladies lost 12 POUNDS between them! That is nearly a stone. What an amazing achievement! They are now nearly half way in. I am not saying this programme is easy. What I am saying is that it works. There are two more weeks left to go before the new intake. If you are serious about making a change in the way you look, feel and behave around food and are not going to make any excuses then you had better get your place booked now. Numbers are EXTREMELY limited so please only apply if you are willing to go the extra mile. 

And Another One
Our lovely Mouse (cat - the one on the left) does not have cancer...and thanks to a hunch from our lovely vet who decided to scan him again before going in to remove the 1cm stone from his bladder, it has also shrunk to a teesnie weensie size...unlike him...which she feels he will pass naturally. tests are being done to try to find the cause of constant nausea but at this moment we are a happy family with 3 cats who appear to be getting healthier on their own with a bit of digestive support. Thanks to Hunters Bar veterinary clinic. You are lovely.  
For those of you awaiting the Vitamin C delivery it has arrived. As you all know I take one of these every day and swear by the intake of 5000mg per day for 3 days at the first sign of a cold and so far have staved off two in this way this year and not had a cold at all for .... I can't remember. One of our members ran out and guess what? Got a cold wishing days. I know there is no proof medically that this works, but the mind is a great thing. I believe it works as it works for me and have evidence of lots of others too. At 22p per day to keep cold free...I will have that please :D. Anyone who wants to see the full range then please see my web shop here http://www.bouncebacktohealth.co.uk/our_product_range.htm
Toby Breakfast
Have you tried the Toby Carvery breakfast? It is really good and you don't have to have a plate of unhealthy fried eggs. There are scrambled eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes as well as bacon and sausage and beans. There is toast, jam, marmalade...it is really good. if you bring this mail with you, or you can pick up a leaflet from reception in the gym, you get FREE unlimited tea or coffee or both for you and three guests when you buy the breakfast. It is great value at £4.29 and just the ticket for a sore Saturday head. Available until 3rd June but not Sundays or bank holidays. Enjoy :D YUM
Bank Holidays
 There are a couple of May Bank Holidays coming up. Remember that, being a family business, we close on all Bank Holidays. We don't get much time off so we have to make the most of what we can get. Please feel free to ask us to open later on the Saturday and Sunday before to make up for the time we are closed so you don't feel you are losing out. I can't say what reply you will get but you never know :D. You can ask. 
Thai Massage
Everyone has been asking how I went on when I went for my Thai massage last week. I have to say it was fab! I have had Thai massage many times as you remember 18 months ago when my wonderful sisters took me to Thailand for my 50th. This was as good as...and a little kinder. I didn't cry and didn't have to moan to God to help me. kai is a very good therapist and is offering 20% off right now which makes a 90 minute massage a very good deal. Call her direct to get your 20% off and book on 07477 021445. Please say you have come from me as I am hoping that if she gets 5 people I will get a free massage :D 

Nearly May
Sorry this one is so late. I am struggling to get on with tasks at the mo and everything is just a bit up in the air. Must be needing a holiday.
Thank you for being lovely and I hope to see you in the week.

Love Georgia x