Are You Up For New Things ?

Published: Fri, 06/03/16

 Before we start, some of you may be surprised to see this newsletter this week as you haven't been receiving them (I have had complaints). Those of you who HAVE UNSUBSCRIBED and DON"T want this newsletter, I apologise and please re- unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom. Others of you, particularly BT Internet accounts and Yahoo, your provider is unsubscribing you....not me. I have gone through all my subscribers and resubscribed you but I apologise if I have made a mistake and put you back on if you didn't want to be. No intention to SPAM you meant. Sorry for your inconvenience. 
Another Adventure
Here we all are last Saturday having a last supper for Harriet, who is once more on her travels.  This time she is off to work Camp America in Iowa with adults with special needs. then she is meeting a friend in Los Angeles who she met out in Cambodia last year. She has travelled more in her 20 years that I have in my 51. You may also recognise the young man second in on the right as Son number 1 Sam who works here on Tuesday and Thursday nights. A-Levels coming up so a night off from revision for him...and tomorrow, and the next day. he is a confident boy and extremely intelligent. Good luck Sam :D

Yoga Gold
 There is only one more space left on the FREE Yoga Gold taster class on Tuesday morning at 9.30. 
Yoga Gold is all about relaxing, easing stiffness in joints, increasing flexibility and range of movement. It is aimed at beginners level or for the more mature client - that's a nice way of saying older isn't it? I will be hoping to go but I feel there won't be room. Remember, to include yoga in your gym membership your gym only fees will raise to £46. With a single Yoga session being £9.50 you are making a big saving. If you would like the last place please click here quick 

50% Off Randle And Randle 
 My lovely friend Amanda is offering Underground Fitness customers 50% off their first visit. Many of you have already become regular clients of the lovely Amanda and her hubster Glynn, so know how good they are already but, if you are feeling in the need of a pamper and not sure where to go then here is your chance 
Click here for your voucher
Bra Order
I am about to put in a bra order at Panache so thought I would do a quick check to see if anyone else needs one. I don't hold a lot of stock and know I have very few of the 'normal' sizes 34 - 38 in C - E so if you want me to order you a fab supportive bra in a bright colour (or black, grey, white) then please come back to me here. I will be ordering on Monday as I have customers waiting so click today
Are You getting Enough? Do you suffer with 'jelly head'? Cramps or aching muscles? Anxiety? To be honest ALL women should make sure they have enough of this magic mineral. Magnesium assists in the transmission of nerve impulses, helps regulate body temperature, detoxification, energy production, and helps keep osteoporosis at bay. It gives relief from symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It also reduces the risk of premature labour.
It improves muscle functioning, insomnia, hypertension, constipation, migraines, kidney stones, and gallstones.
Magnesium is found in nuts (especially almonds), whole grains, wheat germ, fish, and green leafy vegetables. As with most nutrients, daily needs for magnesium cannot be met from food alone which is why magnesium dietary supplements are recommended as well. 
I have put an order in today as my stock is zilch but you can order direct from here
If Wishes Were Horses...
 Here we are in June with temperatures of 10 and 12 degrees. My heating is on as is the fire at night. There are times, very occasionally, when I wish I lived closer to the Equator. Brrrrrrr. Anyhow, I don't so, "Ah mun gerron wi' it." have a great week, stay being lovely and let us hope for some barbecue weather soon.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x