We Really Tried

Published: Fri, 05/27/16

We Tried As Hard As We Could
Well this was my view on Sunday afternoon...hard life for a week. No internet, no contact really with anyone apart from hubster and nothing but blue sky, mill pond seas and a beach bar. My idea of heaven really. We tried as hard as we could to bring back some sunshine for you and we thought we did it! How lovely was Tuesday? Since then, of course, we have had the good old British weather back again with the grumbles of "Oooooh good job I 'avn't put me plants in yet...gonna snow y'know". I am keeping my head full of sunshine and the sounds of the sea washing in. Much better place to be thank you :D​​​​​​​
Baldwins Bash
The Baldwins Summer Bash has been booked for 9th July. There are still a few places free if you want to come but you must let me know by Tuesday 31st if you want a place and payment of £26 must be made in full by 1st June. 
We always have an absolute hoot, dance all night, drink a tense weensie little amount and laugh like only Underground members do. 
​​​​​​​Please let me know if you want to come by mailing me back here
​​​​​​​And I have received the Xmas dates ha ha ha ha ha
​​​​​​​Bank Holiday Monday
 Don't forget that this Monday is a Bank Holiday and, as we are a family business without thousands of staff (yet), we close so we can spend some family time together. Hopefully you will be doing some of the same...there are some very good films out...think the weather is going to be rubbish. enjoy your day and we are open as normal on Tuesday. 
Is There Anyone Who Hasn't Got One? 
While we were away I did one of those stupid things that anyone with back issues (is there anyone who hasn't over the age of 45?) would never ever do if they were thinking. I bent over, picked up my sun-bed and turned to move it, with an immediate reaction of "Oh no...can't move...back's gone!" After 10 minutes of hoping it would go off if I stood/rocked/limped a bit I hobbled off and found a flat area - just happened to be next to the beach bar which pleased Steve no end - and very slowly worked through my back exercises for about 15 minutes with a focus on relaxing, breathing and very slow stretching. Guess what? I fixed it :D
The set of exercises I did on the beach are here (apart from the roll down the wall which is one to avoid if you are in pain) so if you would like to practice please have a look here 
https://youtu.be/gaNznik_8J0 and if you have never tried Pilates and would like to learn how to have less pain, move more freely and improve your posture and core then please click here for a trial class [email protected]
Yoga Gold
Have you ever thought, "I can't do yoga because I'm not flexible enough"? 
Yoga isn't all about flexibility...In Yoga Gold we relax, ease stiffness in joints, increase flexibility and range of movement. We work slowly and carefully bringing movement to our bodies. We don't "Om" or do headstands, instead we work with simple yoga postures to help us stand tall and strong again
Zoe is running a Yoga Gold Taster class on Tuesday 7th June at 9.30. Please click here for a place as there are only 7 available
Nearly June :D
​​​​​​​That is it again for another week. Have a great weekend and please don't forget to tell your friends about us and like us on Facebook if you are a Facebook person. It all helps with our good reputation. I have a family weekend planned seeing both children  - one revising and the other preparing for another adventure. Will tell you all about it later. Stay being lovely and see you next week

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x