Get In Quick

Published: Fri, 06/17/16

Congratulations First!
A long, long time ago I met a lovely little lady called Fiona who was the wife of one of our members. She was teaching, fed up, stressed and was looking into teaching Mindfulness after finding it had helped her immensely and so got qualified to teach it and help others. Well, she started here, in our little studio. Very soon she expanded across the road where Katie has a bigger studio and now here she is opening her very own place. Well done Fiona! if you are interested please email her at 
[email protected]​​​​​​​

All Gone To The Dogs
Meet Alfie the poor wobbly donkey who belongs to pone of our members, Jane. Alfie has water therapy as he has arthritis and had to have surgery which, unfortunately hasn't worked as well on his second leg. On Saturday Alfie is going to be part of a 12 hour Swimathon with Aquavet in Sheffield to raise money for the Pets As Therapy charity who you can read about here
​​​​​​​If you would like to sponsor Alfie and help a great charity please get in touch with Jane here [email protected] and you can leave any sponsorship money with me here and I will make sure she gets it. Thank you :D 
Get In Quick If You Want This
We have one free space due to someone having other commitments on Monday night at 6.00 for our next lot for the 4 Week Body Blast. This is a great chance to Kick Start your body and get that feeling that you are back in control and on your way to that beach bod. This is what the others said
"I felt worried about summer and lacked motivation" "I lost 7lbs!" "I now consciously make better decisions when choosing foods" - These are all from REAL people who have made the commitment and done it and who all feel ready for summer beach clothes and motivated to keep going. The cost is £80 for the 4 week Body Blast and people who are not committed need not apply - you are either in or not. If you would like to join the group and lose weight, size and feel fabulous about yourself in 4 weeks then sign up here

Space For A Stiff One? 
Are you male? Do you feel that you could play golf better if you were more flexible? Do you struggle to put on your socks in the morning? Does you back feel stiff and inflexible? Would you like to feel better? Would you like to be able to wash your feet in the shower? 
We have room in the Monday afternoon Men On Mats class where you will learn how to reconnect with your tummy muscles, strengthen your core as well as stretching parts you forgot were there. If you or someone you know would benefit from this class and is free on a Monday afternoon at 2.00 then please book a free trial class. There are only two places so click here quick for yours [email protected]
Rain Rain Go Away
I think we can all say that we have had enough now. This time last week I went to a 'barbecue' at my sisters where we sat indoors as it was teeming it down. It hasn't stopped since. The slugs are having a party with the dalias and then eating them and we are left with green stalks for flowers. If anyone has a spare hedgehog in their garden can we have one please? They can't get in ours as we have had to wire up the garden to stop wandering Tortoise...don't ask. It IS going to be sunny soon...isn't it? 
Done And Dusted
 Thank you all for being lovely, that is it for this week. Please mail me with any comments, I love to hear from you. See you all in the week.

Love Georgia x