All Change

Published: Fri, 06/24/16

Mr Mannering!
It isn't often I make any political statements. I am not political, I don't watch the news as there is never anything cheering, positive or impartial, even though it is supposed to be. The scaremongering that has been going on over the EU has forced my hand. The vote didn't go as I would have wished but it has gone. We are out. Now we would all help others a lot more if we stop panicking, scaring our children into believing the World is about to end and there is no hope for their future. Can we just take a deep breath and settle? I have been taught that 'change is as good as a rest' and on that note am just going to wait and see what happens. I am not going to turn into Chicken Licken just yet, unlike others I see. 

Tingle While You Tango
Whilst having cake this morning at the cafe across the road I was told about Felipe who is arriving from Argentina whilst on tour through Europe. He will be with us giving a 3 day tango workshop -  5 workshops combining Tango nuevo and salón with Milongas and practicas through the weekend. 
The workshops are on 21st, 23rd and 24th July. 
Prices are extremely reasonable and workshops are local to us.
​​​​​​​To find out more details you can click the link here to take you to the Facebook page
Or you can contact Lucas direct on 
New Memberships
 We are in the process of signing our new lease agreement and, like all things do, our prices have to increase to accommodate the increase in our rent, rates and utilities. Fitness class prices will increase to £7 per class and Pilates/ Yoga to £10. The 'Buy 10 get one free" will still stand giving you discount still, but in addition for you I have set up a couple of new memberships. These are for those of you that come every week for one class, be it fitness or Yoga/ Pilates. They are a monthly membership allowing you one class per week. Taking up one of these memberships will mean your class price is less than it is now and seeing as you will have already paid, will encourage you to come when you 'can't be bothered' Prices are £23.50 for the class membership and £36 for a Yogalates membership. These changes are coming in for July... so ask us or get yours online now :D
Are We Totally Mad? 
 Look what Debbie and I are doing for St Lukes Hospice in September. Let the vomitfest start here! I tried many times to jump off the top diving platform at Sheaf Valley baths...climbing the stairs...going back down. I eventually did it once - never again! Debbie is scared stiff too. We are going to make sure we don't eat or drink for 24 hours before hand so we can't vomit or poo ourselves. We are trying to raise £1000 for the place around the corner. Please sponsor us here

Leave You With Love
 Again...and as always. Thanks for being such wonderful members of my club. It is because of you my work doesn't feel like work. Any ideas for the colour of the toilet? I thought yellow might be a bit too much. Also, bear in mind that the back wall is damp so whatever we colour it it won't last in that corner and the bra bin is bright pink...don't want it to clash. 

See you in the week

​​​​​​​Love Georgia xx