One Whole Year

Published: Fri, 07/08/16

Do You Remember? 
Do you remember when our newsletter used to look like this?  It has been a whole year since I sent the newsletter in our new format and oh how I struggled to get the hang of it. Now it is easy...I would struggle to go back to the old way. Just a thought for the day  - "Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy." - Saadi Shirazi
Kids Just Don't Care
Don't you just love how kids don't care what the weather is like. Lily was 5 on Saturday and there were 8 kids bouncing on a saturated castle at one point. As long as they are dressed for it - I don't think the grass will ever recover though! 
Tick Tock
For whatever reason...and I have no idea why and can not see a pattern to it...we are incredibly busy some mornings. There is no pattern. I have looked. Please can I ask that if the gym is busy you stick to the 10 minutes on each cardio machine so people aren't waiting too long. Some people, because of special circumstances, are stuck to only being able to use a couple of the cardio machines and I understand that you will want to spend longer. If this is the case then I can give you something that will work you really hard in the 10 minutes you have, move on and then come back to it. If you need a harder cardio workout than the one you have click here [email protected]​​​​​​​​
Summer Holiday Timetable
The school summer holidays are nearly upon us and this means the timetable will be scaled down to allow for staff and your holidays
I will do my best not to cancel at the last minute but classes that I know already are off for August are
Tuesday Yoga 9.30 - 10.30am
Tuesday Zumba 8.00 - 9.00pm 
PLEASE make sure you book on via the booking system as if your normal class is off there should be an alternative you can come to. ​​​​​​​
Party Night Tomorrow
The time has night tomorrow night at Baldwins. Those coming, it is 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start, so get your glad rags out, your hip stretches done (for the limbo of course) and make sure you bring a pair of flatties so you can dance the night away. I will be taking pictures but won't put out any incriminating evidence next week I promise...what happens at Baldwins stays at Baldwins!  Ready for limbo Anu? Liz?
Mike? Remember to get your Solstic Energy (should be called hangover cure in a sachet). You can buy them from me or order them here
Talking Of Baldwins
I know! It is only July...but there are only 50 places left for Saturday 19th November for the Underground Christmas Bash so I am booking them next week. If you want a place then you MUST mail me back and I need your deposit of £10 by Wednesday 13th July...that is NEXT WEDNESDAY. This is definitely one of the best nights of the year so please grab your spot by clicking here and bring me your deposit  [email protected]
Still In Shock
I can't believe I have had to mention the C word in July. Might have to have a lie down!  All done for this week. Thank you for being lovely and see you next week if not on Saturday

​​​​​​​Love Georgia xx