Fiddlers Elbow Week

Published: Fri, 07/01/16

Head Space
    So this is where my week started last Sunday, in a closed room all day in Coventry learning a little bit more about how I tick and how I can help myself and my clients by asking the right questions to get the correct information and free up head space that is taken up with rubbish that basically isn't true but affects our day to day life. Oooooh, long sentence! I found the day really interesting...way past the 'There are two types of questions, open and closed' stage and learnt a lot about myself and why I run away from certain questions that, as a business woman, I need to be asking.

Magic Midge Potion
    Summer holidays are around the corner so I thought I would introduce you to another fabulous product that is a must for anyone who is seen as a walking lunch for all the bugs that fly and bite, particularly when they smell a nice, dairy eating, English person when they are used to garlic and other spicy tasting blood. 
    Silver Shield - it comes in liquid form as shown in the photo or gel and is wonderful for taking down inflammation, drawing out the poison and healing the affected bitten or stung area. 
    Sally, our physiotherapist, is also our resident skeptic where any of this is concerned. She applied liquid Silver Shield to a nasty bite that was hot and throbbing. The relief was immediate and the swelling gone after one day. Wonderful stuff. You can get yours here or I have some in stock
Talking Of Sally
You may or may not know this but Sally is also an ultra runner. That means she runs miles and miles and miles topping up her body with fuel as she goes. She was picked for the GB team last year...I KNOW!!...and I can now tell you her new news.
She secured the second automatic spot in 8:14.16 at Annecy last year and she has been selected to be part of the GB team for the IAU World Trail Running Championships in Geres, Portugal on Saturday 29 October. Go Sally! You are amazing!
Don't Forget
The change of class prices comes in as of today. There are two new memberships up on the booking system so you can get your classes at a discounted rate or you can still buy 10 and get one free as you always have. If you know you come to a class every week it will be worth it to get a membership. The savings you make balance out the odd one or two you miss because of holidays. If you struggle with the booking system please ask at reception and we will sort it for you. 
It Is Definite
We are jumping out of a airplane on 25th September. Debs, Emily and I are jumping out of an airplane...I have to keep saying it to make myself believe it. We have already got £70 which is 7% of the amount we hope to raise. I will get a sponsor sheet sorted for in the gym for those of you who don't want to use the just giving link but for anyone who missed it last week, here it is again
Bye Bye June
So, we are in July and barely a glimpse have we had of that jolly, yellow thing that brings happiness as well as warmth. The weather in up and down like a fiddlers elbow. A new month will hopefully bring about change. I was hoping for a pic of my son in all his finery as he had his prom last night but the monkey didn't take any! Kate, if you have one can you let me have a copy please? I will post one next week if there is one without him pulling a daft face.

Thank you for being lovely and see you in the week
Love Georgia x