Have You Seen It ?

Published: Fri, 07/29/16

Tissues At The Ready
    Happy Friday to you all in the Underground Happy Bubble. Well I have had to keep watching Channel 4 this week, whenever I got a chance to switch over. Not, I hasten to add, to see if they were showing that dreadful dating show (my Gramps will be turning in her grave at the very thought of viewing 'down below' before he even bought her a sherry "Trollops, the lot of them")... But, to see if I can get another view of the magnificent video they have done for the paralympics. Not seen it yet (because you don't watch that rubbish)? Well here it is. Wait for the kids! if this isn'y inspiring then I don't know what is.  
And There Is More
    Remember I told you about Vig last week? Vig is a Sports Physio and massage therapist working for Notts County Council at the moment heading his own team. he is coming to join us here from the 4th August starting with evenings and Fridays as, to start with, he is going to be doing 2 jobs (eek! Glad I am not him). Anyway, I made him do a little video and send it to me to introduce himself to you. Poor lad! Totally out of his comfort zone. But now you can see what he looks like, sounds like and snap up a freebie by clicking on the link below. Those who don't get the hashtag thing (yeah, I know...I don't either) don't worry about it. Just click this link at the end of the video 
Magic Silver Shield
    i know I have spoken before about this wonderful product before but I had a lady come in last week with a glowing success story that I hadn't thought about so thought I had better put it out there again. 
She had been using it for a skin condition but actually had the most amazing thing happen as a bi product. "I had been in the garden and as I am really clumsy I always get covered with scratches from thorns and branches. I always do and don't really think much about it. I put the gel on as usual for my skin and the next day what I actually noticed was that ALL the scratches were healed. I was amazed. It really does work!" I asked her if she minded me putting it on the newsletter and she agreed, of course.  
​​​​​​​Or I can get it for you if I don't have one in stock. Only takes a day or so. 
Looking After Others Who Can't Help Themselves
 This is what I am doing tonight...removing this horrid thing from Eddys belly. Poor thing. nasty little parasite. Can't wait to smash it around a jar once it is out! I really don't want to do this...makes me feel a bit sick, but poor thing. It is hurting him so has got to come off. 
    This isn't just about pets though. Harriet is in Iowa at the moment doing Camp America and looking after Adults with special needs. She is having the time of her life and finding it so rewarding. The pay is rubbish. She isn't bothered. She is getting so much back she has said she wants to do it again.
    if you regularly think "I am bored" then try volunteering. There are so many places that would welcome an extra pair of hands. Even helping someone you know who is a carer for a morning once a week so they can get out. Worth a thought...and all you have to do is ask.

August Here We Come
    can't believe it can you? Have a lovely weekend if I don't see you. Stay being lovely and don't forget to check and book into your class as summer holiday time is here and some classes are missing. For the same reason there should be room on other class times though so try a different instructor. Change is as good as a rest so they say.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x