Definitely The Week That Was

Published: Fri, 08/05/16

Mortuary Soup
Happy Friday to you once more...and once more I have no idea where this week has gone. Flown...zooom! I have had massive support from Josh this week, as you may have noticed I have been here less than usual. Many apologies to those who have had classes or PT cancelled but i have been spending time in this salubrious establishment visiting Mum who tried her best to give up the ghost but the body and mind appear to be stronger than she thinks. Thanks to all who know and have enquired about her. We know she is back from the brink when she wants to put her face on. Oh and she has started telling rude jokes about the other inmates and swearing. "No I don't want that effing soup thank you. Seen better coloured things in a mortuary!" Yep...she's back 
Holiday Time
 Please be aware that as team members take holidays it may not be possible to run your normal class if I can't get cover or cover it myself. So far there is Tuesday morning Yoga and night Zumba off for August. I will let you know others as they come up. 
​​​​​​​Please check your emails also before you come to a class, particularly if it is mine as if we have to cancel at the last minute you will get an email and we will try to call you too. I try my best not to cancel at the last minute but emergencies do crop up. 
Summer Beauty Specials
Okay I have not only one but two beauty specials for you this week so you can take advantage of my wonderful taste in friends. From 8 - 31 August you can get your Acrylic nails or Lash extensions done for £25 or a cut and blow for £24.95 at Randle and Randle. Holiday hair and nails and lashes! Lush! Just call 0114 2666288 to book.
The lovely people at Rejuve are offering 4 for 3 on treatments (excluding aesthetic treatments) so you can have a pamper time getting ready for your holiday and get everything done for less. We like that too :D. Again, booking is essential so call 0114 2666559 to book
Time Is Precious
One thing that has been really brought home to me this week is that time is very precious. It is so easy to forget and get busy doing, going here, there and everywhere. Try and make time to choose what you WANT to do. Do things that make YOU FEEL good as well as others. Take time to take a breath. Stop, think, feel. Do you really want to say yes to that job you have been asked to do as a favour? That job that will end up making you feel resentful and unhappy? We all do it too often. We say yes to things and think afterwards and wish we had said no because we are just too busy to stop and think and feel. If it feels good in your gut then do it. If it doesn't then say no and don't feel guilty. Your time is precious and should be spent doing what YOU want to do, with who YOU want to be with and that makes YOU feel good. And here endeth the sermon for today :D xx
Until Next Week
Lots of love. Thank you for all your kind words and many apologies for those who have been let down or had to change your diaries. Until next weeks instalment.

Stay being Lovely

Love Georgia xx