Hot Hot Hot !

Published: Fri, 07/22/16

I Really Want You To Do This HAPPY FRIDAY!
How hot has it been this week? Hasn't it been wonderful? I know people who have been on holiday this week and had reports from Blighty that we have been hotter than they were. Don't get that very often do we? 
Anyway I have a challenge for you this week. I want you to click on the video link...which isn't a video as such as I don't think this band had the money to do a video back then...that was only for the likes of Michael Jackson and other massive names. But, if you have external speakers to your computer or laptop then wire them in, turn it up full and dance like there is nobody watching. I heard this on the radio this week and did the same. I expect a report on how wonderful and happy you felt afterwards. party like you are on holiday and have had a few cocktails. Doesn't that feel great? 
Boredom Busters
    Missing your Pilates class 'cos you are childminding your children/ grandchildren? Want something different to do with your kids/ grandkids this summer? Gaye of Smarty Pilates (who also teaches mad Thursday morning didn't know she was an International Business woman did you?) has created this lovely little package to bust the boredom out of your little ones (and big ones) over the next few weeks. There are games and daft things to do that will keep your family entertained with something different that you can all enjoy as a family while you still get your exercise. They are in the cabinet just inside the door and only £5. 
Welcome To Our New Team Member
     This is Vignesh Murali...or Vig to you and me. I have to apologise for the photo for him as he sent me a lovely one that I messed up, tried to ring him for another one while he was in the cinema and this was what he had on his phone. Sorry Vig. i will get a better, more close up one for next week but this is him, on holiday, very relaxed, with his family, and not looking at all professional. I feel he will fit in here well if he is willing to let me put this lovely (but not looking at all professional) photo out to introduce himself to you. 
"Hi All, my name is Vig and I am really happy to be joining the Underground Fitness team as a Physio/Sports Therapist.. I will starting on 4th August. Look out for the video coming next week with more details and a way to get your self a Free Physio consultation or Sports Massage session .  
Stay healthy, stay happy! See you soon. 
Too Hot To Eat? 
    Whatever the weather, our bodies still need certain vitamins and minerals to keep stable and energised, promote healthy sleep, maintain strong skeletal structure and muscular strength. It is easy in the warm weather to forget that as soon as it gets cooler our joints start to ache and we feel weary. Bone,joint and muscular health is a 24 hour, 7 day a week, 12 months of the year caring duty. Yes we feel better when it is warmer, but now we must prepare for the colder months and, hopefully have a better autumn and winter this year than last year. These are the little cakes I make for my breakfast that are full of natural oils, vitamins and minerals to help me grow old disgracefully. But i also take supplements. We need as much help as we can get. Don't forget we sell the mix, the soya milk and the Malt for the little cakes for just £10 a pack. Ask me about supplements or have look here 
Happy Birthday To Hubster
The pictures will be next week as we have been working too hard to go out yet to celebrate my lovely hubsters birthday but thank you for being lovely, have a great week and see you all soon

Love Georgia x