A Big Thank You

Published: Sat, 08/20/16

The Week That Was
No picture, just a thank you for helping me get through what was a difficult one for me. I have been putting off this price increase for a long time and dreading the fallout. You have been amazing. Your support has helped me realise even more how special what we are building here is and how much you appreciate what we mean to achieve. Love you. ​​​​​​​
Mum Is Home

Again, thank you to everyone for your enquiries and well wishes, prayers, positive thoughts, taps and virtual gifts of health. Whatever you were all doing, as well as her constitution, has brought her home to us in reasonably good health and I thought you would like to see "Multicoured Mrs Pepperpot" as she crosses the road to the shops.
​​​​​​​She is truly a hippy chick at 77 and we are very pleased to have her back in the land of the living. 
How Did Yours Do? 
 This little man got 3 A levels yesterday in Biology, Physics and General Studies. He thought he would only get one and that he had failed two and I am immensely proud to say he didn't. I don't have many pics of my lad as he hates having his picture taken so here he is as a little man being helped to smile by his big sister. He is working at Wetherspoons for the time being while he decides what he wants to do and where he wants to go. Bar work is where your mother started son and I haven't done too badly. Well Done You! How many A levels did you get Sam? THREE!! :D xxx
Name The Gorilla
 We have a lovely chap sitting on top of the cupboard waiting to be named. For just £1 you can pick a name on the chart and the winner will get him :D
​​​​​​​All proceeds are going to St Lukes Hospice so if you would like to pay more than £1 then all donations are gratefully accepted. 
​​​​​​​Remember Christmas is coming and would make a lovely gift for a child or grandchild
Talent In Ours Midst
The lovely Debbie has been trying her hardest to hide her talents. Well we can't be having that can we? She has been persuaded to put her divine creativity to good use and has now got cards she is selling here. Please take a look...they are in the glass cabinet on the left as you walk in and are are truly exquisite and I have already asked her to create a card that will become my symbol. Watch out for the collections coming soon.
​​​​​​​The small Alsatian is £1.95 and all the others are £3.50. Just ask at reception. 
Nearly Over
The best one ever last night! Olympic success I mean. Those fantastic women hockey players smashing it into the net for Gold was just amazing. I have never felt so proud to be British watching them all belting out the National Anthem and cried like a baby. I fill up every time I think of them. They were so overjoyed and obviously emotionally charged. It was brilliant! It's a shame we can't get the same efforts from our male counterparts playing football. Maybe a change in their wages would make a difference - unfortunately it wouldn't make a difference to the amount of brain cells they appear to have. 
Wet Weekend
Looks like our weekend is going to be wet and windy. No trip to the park then with our granddaughter Lily who is coming for the night. I am sure I can think of some other ways to amuse her. Have a lovely time whatever you are doing. i hope to see you in the week and stay being lovely.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x