Oh No ! It'sBooked!

Published: Sat, 08/13/16

    Well it has been booked. Saturday 1st October there will be deafened ears all over Lincolnshire as Debbie, Emily, Janet (new recruit :D) and I all jump out of an airplane in aid of St Lukes.
We have a sponsor form at the gym. There is also donated jam and marmalade from Phyllis who has kindly said all sales to the St Lukes charity. And we have a cuddly gorilla - no not Steve. Guess his name for £1 and the winner gets him :D
The Just Giving link is here. As I have said before - I can't jump off a metre diving board so they will be peeling my hands off the sides of the plane. Please give generously.  
Mum Update
Most of you reading this know that Mum has been in hospital. Thank you so much for all of your kind words, your prayers, positive thoughts, and all the other things you have been doing to try and keep this old bird in the land of the living for a little longer. She has picked up a treat this week and was due to come out yesterday but, unfortunately, they have kept her in for a while longer for a few more tests as something other than her brain isn't functioning quite right. One of her loved sayings is that "we were so poor we didn't 'av a pot to pee in." She is proudly showing that she now has :D.  
Price Increase
    As I have already said we are increasing prices from September. Many of our members have been on a reduced rate for up to three years now depending on what was on offer at the time and due to all other outgoings increasing, in order to stay open, I have to bring all memberships in line with the price that is current to new members joining. Gym Only membership will be £38 and Classes Included membership will be £48. I realise for some of you that this is a big jump from where you are now. Ex Ladyzone members, for instance, will see a raise of £8 per month. I hope you will appreciate and recognise the worth in having staff who care, encourage and support you as you stay fit and healthy and allow you flexibility in monthly or summer period holiday breaks. Remember you can have a programme tweak or overhaul on request free of charge. Just ask one of us to book you in the diary. 
There are also two new memberships for those who do classes. Remember, if you are on a Classes Included membership, this means you can do as many classes as you want. We hope you will feel encouraged to do at least 2 a week. If you find you are only doing one class a week there is now a Pilates/ Yoga Class membership and a Fitness Class membership. These cost £36 and £24 per month respectively and allow one class a week. Please  ask if you would like to change your membership type. 
September Timetable
 I am looking to add Yoga onto the timetable on Thursday nights at 7.00. Member feedback has identified that this is a popular choice and places will be fought for...get your elbows sharpened! I will be one of them!
Male or female Yogi? You will have to wait and see but I am very excited to be filling this slot that has been very sad for a long time. 

Bug Eyes
    I don't know how many of you have noticed...but the Olympics are on! I am in full support obviously but isn't it wonderful? i have watched things i wouldn't dream of watching normally and not been going to bed at my normal time but staying up shouting at the telly and whooping as we get a medal or not...Poor Lewis. 
Anyway, if you catch me napping over my laptop or sneaking upstairs for a quick lie down on one of the treatment couches you know why. Being a person who is usually snoring by 10.00 I am struggling to keep my eyes open, particularly with the lovely, mindful Pilates music. " Side lying open doorszzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Heat Wave Coming
    I am looking forward to the predicted weather over the next couple of weeks. I am hoping this lovely summer holds out for a little bit longer yet. Thanks for being lovely and thanks again for all your support, kind words and positive attitudes. It has made a big difference to my life this past couple of weeks. See you in the week and "C'mon Jess!" 

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x