Isn't She Lovely ?

Published: Fri, 09/09/16

Happy Birthday Debs!
   She will hate me doing this as she hates to blow her own trumpet and is backward at coming forward hoping that one day a miracle will happen and someone with telepathic abilities will read her mind in the street and see how wonderful and talented she is.

    Well this week, this very beautiful lady had a birthday and I am just reminding her that she is now getting very very old and if she doesn't get out there letting people know where she is then she will never fulfil her life purpose, which is to get her drawings, paintings and photographs on as many cards, pictures and in as many galleries as possible so people can smile, feel love, laugh and wish they could create art like that.
Her cards are here for anyone wanting some - just look in the cupboard on the left as you come through the door. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBS XXXX
Womens Health Workshop
Are you always feeling tired yet you have poor quality sleep patterns? Do your joints ache constantly and feel inflamed? Do you feel stressed all the time. Maybe you are in the menopause or are past it but still get monthly headaches and feel irritable with sugar cravings or (in my case) bread and cheese?
    Meet Sue who is a Womens Health Specialist. She is coming here to do a FREE workshop on Thursday October 6th at 1.00pm. In the workshop you will learn how to balance your hormones to improve energy levels, how to get better sleep and significantly reduce the aging process. Places are limited so if you would like to attend please email me here. It will last approximately 1 hour

5 Steps Workshop
While we are on the subject of workshops it is time for me to help you get back on track from the summer and deliver my FREE 5 Steps Workshop again. Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you start the day with good intentions to get loads done, stick to that diet, finish that chapter of the book? This workshop is for anyone who feels life is getting a little out of control in what ever way that may be. 5 Steps to help you focus on what you want to achieve and help you get control of your life again. It will be on Sunday 9th October at 10.00am and will last about an hour and a half. To book on
please mail here [email protected] 
Back To Backs
Okay I said last week that I would keep you informed of good back stuff so for all of you out there that don't do Pilates (and for those who do but need and extra dig so you DO YOUR HOMEWORK (not mentioning any names) here is another good back release. 
Thank You
Thanks go out the the wonderful consultant who saw Mum this week and managed to keep a professional straight face throughout.
"Well, your lungs are better than they were a month ago, that is very good but they are still not clear, you have some crackles so you are still recovering - Do you smoke?" Reply - "Weeeell, not many, maybe 5 to 7 a day."
"Mmm - it has been mentioned your tummy is more swollen than normal. Can I have a look at your tummy please?" Reply - "Well I am 77 and I don't do my exercises any more. The muscle tone has just gone."
The best to be left until last.
"Your heart muscle is a bit stiff so it isn't beating as strongly as it should."
Reply - "Well I am not surprised as when I was younger  I did have my heart broken quite badly a couple of times."
Daughters look at each incredulously. REALLY? Did you just say that?
Another Weekend Is Here
Nothing happening to me this weekend apart from a little R and R. I may see you in the morning if you are a Saturday gym bunny but otherwise I will, hopefully see you in the week. Josh is off so I will be here more than usual. i am hoping for warm weather as I hate the cold and this gym is very cold for my old bones.
​​​​​​​Stay being lovely and see you soon.

Love Georgia x