So Much To Catch Up On

Published: Fri, 09/23/16

Where Was I Then? 
    Well you will have noticed by the absence of newsletter last week that I wasn't here. Where was I? I was in the lovely Northampton with this lovely lot who are my business mentors and marketing team. I love going on these 3 day workshops. They are a massive part of Underground being successful as they celebrate my successes and have got my back when I make mistakes without judgement or condescension. It always feels like coming home and to be in a room with so many like minded people is truly inspirational. People who are self-employed/ run their own businesses are all a little bit off the wall so to be in a room with 300 people all a bit mad is fab.  
Is It Her Or Us?
    It has been a very busy week with mum this week with something happening every day...doctors, OH, blood tests etc but she has done something that has actually made me rethink how I have double standards. Here she is, going over to the shops wearing overskirt, leggings, pineapple socks and surf shoes. When I questioned her about her footwear she said, "Well we all wore them everywhere when we were in Robin Hoods Bay." "But that was the seaside Mum." "Same type of concrete they make the pavements out of isn't it? I don't care, they slip on easily and they are comfy."
​    Fair point really. I am always saying that over the last three years I have learnt to not care what people think about me. I know who I am and if others have a different opinion then that is their opinion. Mine just happens to be different. And then I try to get Mum to change her shoes because they look daft. Not to her they don't. She knows who she is, has her own style and doesn't care what people think. Well good on her. Sorry Mum i really do apologise. I do have a different opinion but it isn't necessarily right. Just different. Love you x
Workshop Crazy

 and my


Places on these workshops are extremely limited. Both are FREE and you will leave more knowledgeable about how to get your life, health and wellness in good order. Sue is a women's health specialist helping women all over the country to sleep better, stabilise mood swings, increase energy levels and generally feel in control of their bodies, reducing aches and pains associated with arthritis and rheumatism. She is a marvel. Book onto her workshop at 1.00pm here on Thursday October 6th. The workshop will end in time for you to get the kids if that is what you need to do. 

​​​​​​​Mine will be on Sunday morning 9th October 10.00. Again, nothing that you might not have heard before but I will give you some tips to take away and practice that will help you feel more in control and help you organise instead of feeling overwhelm, structure instead of scatter and generally get your mojo back.
[email protected] to book on this one
This Weeks Natty Back Exercise
This is a great back mobiliser and strengthener. If you feel pain at any point of the lift then stop there and roll back down. Just work to your level. It doesn't matter if you don't do the full bridge 
Mouse Goes To Fat Club
 Our very small pussy cat has finally been taken to fat club. Poor Mouse. He really did hang his head while he was weighed, measured and palpated (just to see if she could feel his ribs). The outcome being that I left with the measured amount of food I should be giving each cat per day. When I got home I put the amount into the bowls of each cat. It appears I have been overfeeding ALL THREE of the cats. The other two, being confident and outgoing with no hangups have only been eating what they need. Poor Mouse who has a few issues has been polishing off ALL the over provided food which has left him as an 8 in the Obese Cat scale, which only goes up to 9. He is now on a strict diet and we hope to see him chasing his tail very soon. 
Busy Busy Busy
That is how I have felt this week, barely able to catch a breath, on permanent catch up with myself. This week I have cleared my diary at certain times just so that I can get focus and clear my mind. This is what we have to do. I have made a mistake this week by trying to fit too much in and so have finished the week with a head like an unexploded pumpkin just ready to go BANG! Next week will be better. I have learnt from my mistake. I need quiet times to reset. I hope to see you in the week and thank you for being so supportive, non judgemental and caring. Stay being lovely

Love Georgia x