Do They Do It On Purpose ?

Published: Fri, 09/02/16

Fnaar Fnaar Matron!
    Happy Friday! Here we are again. Well I have to say I was absolutely flabbergasted this week half tuning into Bakeoff while having my tea. Why might you ask? It is a cooking programme. Well, in the same way that Springwatch is programme about wildlife, Bakeoff is a programme about buns...fnaar fnaar. I nearly splurted my tea when Candice was asked "Do you need any help?" (to carry her large, shortbread house). "Oooh yes please, can you hold my jugs?" [switch to shot of youth smirking] and then seconds later a question "Who would like to eat a bit of carpet?" I swear the contestants and team get together before the programme and bet who can get away with the most outrageous innuendo. It is worth watching just for THAT, never mind the hilarity of the contestants as they burn, splat, whisk and whirl their way to embarrassment or pleasure as the judges taste their wares...fnaar fnaar!

Another Lovely Funny
    Another funny  was told in the gym today that I thought was appropriate to us as it would be something I would say...and most of us when we have those 'oh what is the word' moments. How a someone was explaining to a friend that their dog wasn't very well because it had been trowelled. "Trowelled?.....Trowelled?....Do you mean spade?" "Oh yes, well I knew it was some sort of garden implement!"
I have visions of a poor pooch with a bandage around its head after being smacked with a trowel. Poor pooch!
 The Paralympic games are 7-18th September. I get really giddy with these games as they really fire me up into thinking "What excuses do I make that hold me back from doing what I need to do to get where i want to be?" There are really no reasons that I can think of, just excuses of not having time, being far too busy. I have one life. I am going to jump out of that plane and I am going to run the London Marathon next year. No excuses! What excuses do you make for not getting to the gym, not doing your class and not making time for you? The jobs will always be there, the work will always stack up, but you only have one body that can be as healthy as you make it and you won't get another one. 
Nice Back Exercise
I keep getting asked "What is the best thing for a stiff back?" well there are lots of exercises you can do but this one is my favourite. You get lumbar rotation, thoracic extension as well as stretching out the chest muscles and the front of the shoulder. If you would like to try a Pilates class then please click here[email protected]  
Back To School
that is it...summer holidays are over and we are all back to normal. Strictly is on its way along with Autumn colours and smells. I do love our seasons don't you? 
Hope to see you in the week and stay being lovely.

Love Georgia x