Pray For Good Weather

Published: Fri, 09/30/16

Leap Or be Pushed?
Well I am really hoping this won't look anything like me tomorrow, or Debs, Emily or Janet, because if it is then we have come unhooked/ they have let us go. Either way we are stuffed. While you are enjoying your gym time, Pilates class or just having a relaxing or family Saturday we will be jumping out of an airplane. I, for one am determined not to have to be pushed out. I am very certain that I am never, ever going to do this again so I am going to enjoy the moment. I WILL be wearing massive Tena pants and will NOT be sick as I am getting a video done for the memory and as proof to all you wonderful lot who have donated. if you have been meaning to donate but keep forgetting then here is the link for the last time. All donations go to St Lukes Hospice and thank you very, very much. You are the most generous people with the kindest souls.

Spiky Balls
    The spiky, massage balls have arrived that you have asked me for. I have both types, the plain round ones £4.50 and the 'Peanut' shaped ones £8.00.
For those that don't know about the peanut, it is slightly (but not much) softer than the round ones and I prefer it for doing my feet as it goes further up the arch of the foot as you massage with it. The shape is also much more suited for getting to either side of the spine. They are in the cupboard at the bottom of the stairs. For those who don't do Pilates and have no idea what these are for I will do a video for next week :D 
Back Care Part 4
We have been looking at back care this month so here is the final video to help get some movement into a stiff back. All the moves that you have seen this month are regular Pilates exercises and I can not recommend Pilates enough for anyone who struggles to put on their socks, has to do a full body turn to see oncoming traffic when driving or makes the "ooof" noise every time they get up out of a chair. 
Christmas Is Coming
Well, she has done it. Got out a couple of sets of Christmas cards. Debbie is doing something we both tell you all to do - getting out of her comfort zone. One of my mantras is 'Everything you want is on the other side of fear'. She is putting on her big girl brave pants and you will find the cards with her others in the last hand cabinet as you come through the door. cards are £20 for a pack of 8 Debbie originals. To order a set or 2 please email 
20% Off
All stock is 20% off so just ask. If we have it you can get it for a bargain. Solstic energy for the caffeine free pick me up (great hangover cure!), Liquid chlorophyll for your energy levels too as well as detox, Zambroza for your anti-inflammatory. have a look. There is assorts in the cupboard and it must all go. There is a product directory on the top of the cupboard if you need more product information. Otherwise you can just ask me and if I don't know then I will find out for you. 
Here Comes The Weekend
That is it for me. I have a busy one. Skydive tomorrow and then I am up to Newcastle with my lovely boy Sam to see Harriet who is 21 years old today. I know we all say it every birthday but how did that happen? 21 years? Where did they go? Have a fabulous weekend and hope to see you in the week. Stay being lovely.

Love Georgia x