We Did It !

Published: Fri, 10/07/16

Top Gun Women Are We!!
Well we did it! I can honestly say that that was one of the best experiences of my life; a real life-changing morning. For the person who thought she was going to be an absolute baby, crying and clinging onto the sides, I was as cool as a cucumber. We all were. Up we went to the tune of Top Gun (we were all singing it...they weren't playing it). We cheered Janet on as she was the first of us to enter the 'open door zone'  - then she was gone...."Where'd she go?" says the thought bubble out of my head. That was it - my turn "1...2 legs up" and we were out! We were floating looking down at the view. A tap on the shoulders said I could let go of the front straps and put my arms out to freefall. Amazing ladies and gentlemen, just amazing. As the parachute lifted us up (that's what it feels like but we were still falling) all I can remember saying was that this was so beautiful. The silence, the beautiful day, the view.
This has been a massive lesson in getting out of my comfort zone and feeling the fear but doing it anyway. I will never worry too much about 'the how' again. I am going to practice much more of what I preach and say YES to opportunities and sort the rest out later. If I had been 'too scared' or too full of 'I can't's, I would never have known what it was like to feel like this - and I feel amazing - powerful, strong, gutsy. For those who meant to give but didn't for whatever reason, please click. We have raised over £3K between us and there is still some coming in. 

Boy Time - Breast Cancer Awareness Month
 October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Men ALSO get breast cancer...this is not just a female disease. To kick off the month we are helping the lovely men in our lives. Symptoms are  
 1. Oozing from the nipple​​ (a discharge that may be blood stained
 2.Swelling of the breast, or a lump, often painless, more commonly beneath    the nipple but can be anywhere on the breast area
 3.A sore (ulcer) in the middle of the breast
 4.A tender or drawn in/ inverted nipple

A weekly check when you have a bath or shower, just the same as women, to see if there are any differences. The most important thing is DO NOT LEAVE IT to see if it will go away. The quicker the diagnosis the better the end results. Love you lovely male  gym and class members :D

Sundays Workshop
Those of you who have booked onto the Sunday 5 steps workshop, I look forward to an hour and a half of chatter, tears, discussions and break through moments. You may get weepy, I certainly will...I always do...but you will leave a little more in control and with the steps to put in place to help you through the madness of the festive season which is nearly upon us and to get your life a little more in order. 
All you need to bring is a pen and your lovely selves. I am well aware it is a Sunday so will try not to prattle on. Anyone not booked who wants to there are a couple of seats left [email protected]
Over and Out
Thanks for a great week gang. Have a lovely weekend if i don't see you and hope to see you next week...the one before our holiday whoopee!!
Stay being lovely
Love Georgia  x