Published: Wed, 09/28/16

Oh What a TWIT am I? Thankfully I have a lovely member who tried to book on the workshop who told me the email address I gave for you to book was incorrect! More haste less speed.

So lets try again. 
Free WOMENS HEALTH Workshop with SUE THOMAS (left) Are you always feeling tired yet you have poor quality sleep patterns? Do your joints ache constantly and feel inflamed? Do you feel stressed all the time. Maybe you are in the menopause or are past it but still get monthly headaches and feel irritable with sugar cravings or (in my case) bread and cheese?
Sue is a women's health specialist helping women all over the country to sleep better, stabilise mood swings, increase energy levels and generally feel in control of their bodies, reducing aches and pains associated with arthritis and rheumatism. She is a marvel. Book onto her workshop at 1.00pm here on Thursday October 6th. The workshop will end in time for you to get the kids if that is what you need to do. 

To book onto the workshop please email me [email protected]

​​​​​​​See you soon and sorry you got an extra one this week :D 

Love Georgia x