Have You Missed Us ?

Published: Fri, 11/04/16

A Week Ago
Well we arrived home a week ago today leaving this beautiful sunset ...the view every night as we had sundowners before dinner. Just glorious. A bit of a sharp difference in the weather now we are home but aren't the Autumn colours beautiful here? I forget every year how beautiful England is in the Autumn and with it being so late I feel we are very lucky this year. 
i can definitely feel a February break coming on though, being a warmer climate soul and Steve actually beats me to turn the fire on and the heating up - lucky me is all I will say

Fabulous Amount Raised!
The final amount raised is in and I am so proud, happy and thankful to all who gave money, sponsored us, tried to win the Gorilla (Claire Carroll you still have to collect him), donated jam and marmalade and honey for us to sell and even gone around with a form door knocking. 
Big drum roll please.........
We raised a stunning 
£3274! I feel incredibly proud of us all raising so much for a great cause so thank you to all involved. 
Womens Health Webinar
For all of those who missed the Womens health Workshop held by Sue Thomas just before we went away she is doing an online talk so you can have the same thing without even leaving your armchair. 
How would it feel to sleep well, have boundless energy and lose at least half a stone naturally? 
How would it feel to have naturally balanced hormones without the brain fog, joint pain and other niggles that go along with hormone imbalances?
Why not 'come' along to this talk on Monday 14th Nov at 7pm.  
The talk is carried out as a webinar and all you have to do is log onto www.zoom.us and request to enter a meeting.  It will then ask for your meeting id and just use the number 2049047153 to enter the meeting room.
Hormone balancing expert Sue Thomas will then help you understand how you can manage hormones naturally, how you can sleep better, naturally eradicate night sweats and hot flushes and reduce the signs of ageing - all in the space of an hour!
Takeaway top tips from this webinar on:
* Easy and sustainable weight loss
* Naturally managing all the symptoms of menopause
* Better sleep and how to achieve it
So don't miss out - all you need to do is log onto www.zoom.us at 7pm on Monday 14th November and enter the id number 2049047153.  You will be glad you did!

Xmas Do
The Christmas Do is nearly upon us. As you know we had to change the date to Thursday November 24th. Please can all of those booked on make sure I have the rest of your money, £15 if you have paid your deposit or £25 if you haven't, by Wednesday 9th November. I do have some people who would like to come so if you don't pay up you lose your place. Also please let me know if you can't make it now so I can give you place to someone else. Weee heeee!! Party time :D
Welcome to the World little Riley - well not so little actually.
Many congratulations to Stef who was at Pilates right up to a week before her due date and doing Belly dancing two weeks before. 
She is absolutely beautiful and a lovely item to put on the newsletter so thank you for allowing me to share her with all the members. Relax and rest when you can, sleep when she does. The washing will still be there when she wakes up but won't be there forever so don't worry about it. 

Any one else who would like me to share good news on the newsletter please let me know. I love to share good stuff :D

One more....Happy Birthday to my niece Emily who hit her teens this week. Seems only yesterday you were like Riley :D 

Safe And Sound
 Until next week. Everyone have a safe bonfire night. Remember to keep your pets indoors if you can. We are going to my brothers for campfire songs, jacket potatoes, roast chestnuts and something to warm the cockles. 
​​​​​​​Lovely to be back and sorry I have not been around much. Mum is taking more of my time than I would like at the moment and what with ill cats too I have had a week of it this week. Look forward to seeing you next week and stay being lovely.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x