Nearly There !

Published: Fri, 10/14/16

Cool Dude Boy
Harriet was 21 so we went up to Newcastle to see her - so busy jumping out of planes i didn't get around to this bit. As you can see, lovely boy Sam was way too cool to snuggle up to the girls but you can see the bridge behind us. We had a glorious day of sunshine, a lovely lunch finishing off with a walk through 'the Dene' - a beautiful 3K stretch of parkland sitting almost on Harriets doorstep. Congratulations Harriet. The key of the door is all yours xx

Name The Gorilla
At last! Thank you so much for filling in the form even though you didn't like most of the names, or that the name you wanted had gone. The winning number and name (number picked by granddaughter Lily) is number 2 - GABE as chosen by Claire Carroll. Thank you Claire. I will see you at Zumba tonight and you can take him home. That was £30 towards our total figure (not yet known) for St Lukes. 
That Time Of Year
It is that time of year again so i just want to put it out there and ask you all to please be careful on the steps and the ramp and the drive of the wet leaves. We do our best to clear them but we are so surrounded by them I don't really stand a chance. They are like glass if stepped on and I would hate to see anyone come a cropper, particularly as the evenings are drawing in and the mornings are a little darker. 
If anyone fancies adding a different little extra to their workout there is a broom to the right as you go out of the door. Please feel free to work your shoulders, back, waist and abdominals by clearing a few. They are just swept to the area to the far left of the steps down opposite the end of the ramp ha ha ha ha 
Holiday Coming Up
We go away on Tuesday leaving everybody else in charge. The only classes not covered are
Pilates Monday 24th - 11.00
Boxing Bootcamp Friday 21st, Sunday 23rd and Friday 28th.
I feel extremely pleased to be getting away from this cold although I do love the smells and colours of Autumn. It will have dropped a few more degrees by the time we get back. back to the four layers.
That Friday Feeling
Have an amazing week. Don't expect to see a newsletter next week as I will definitely not be working whilst away - proof that I write them on my Friday afternoons....sort of. 
I will be here as normal on Monday so I might see you then but if I don't then thank you for being wonderful and I will see you when I get back.

Love Georgia x