Did You See It ?

Published: Fri, 11/18/16

Make The Most Of It
Well this was the shot I got of the amazing Moon. Apparently it is the biggest it has looked for almost 20 years and, according to the BBC, is one of the Worlds greatest optical illusions. 

Didn't look quite as good out of our front porch as it did from what I have seen in the newspapers but it is still something to tell the Grandchildren as we won't see another one this big 'til 2024. It was very pretty and I was pleased to see that the clouds managed to stay away enough for us to see it. 

Tickets For The Bash
It is here...the Xmas Bash at Baldwins. As most of you already know, in the run up to December 24th we are a tinsel and fairy light free zone. There will be no carols playing endlessly, and I will ask that you please don't send Christmas cards to us...you see us all year round. if you really want to send us a card please just put a donation of 10p into the St Lukes box on reception. 
Your BALDWINS ticket is on reception with your name on the back so pick it up when you are in. 
You may have seen extra facial hair on men who don't usually have it lately due to it being 3 weeks into the month where men grow moustaches to raise awareness for mens health problems,  focusing on 4 key areas of mens health. We know our men don't we? Don't like to go to the doctors. put it off with a "Oh it's nothing". Let's face it, no one wants to go to a doctor with a symptom knowing that, to be examined, a digit will have to be inserted into a place that should only ever be seen by the bog frog. So on that note I am just going to go ahead.

  1. Prostate cancer is THE most common cancer in men in the UK
  2. It develops slowly so you may have it for many years without knowing
  3. It only becomes apparent when the prostate gets large enough to press on the urethra
  4. If you notice a change in your urination habits it doesn't mean you have prostate cancer. What is really important is you get it checked out IMMEDIATELY
For many men diagnosed with prostate cancer, treatment is not necessary immediately as growth is slow. But this is not a reason to not get it checked out. Only when referred, if your GP finds abnormalities and further tests and examinations have been done can it be determined what stage you are at and what treatment is best for you. None of this can be done if you ignore it and shove your head in the proverbial sand. 
Magnesium Magic
 Do you suffer from Muscle twitches or cramps? Insomnia and irritability? Anxiety or palpitations? Poor memory and muscle fatigue? 
​​​​​​​You could well be low in magnesium, a mineral found in seaweed, nuts, greens and beans. When was the last time you ate these foods regularly? Magnesium levels are decreased by alcohol, stress and sweating so anyone who drinks to counter balance their stress levels or exercises hard, even if you do eat well, you are likely to be deficient. I have magnesium back in stock so just ask at reception ​​​​​​​
Quiet Weekend?
Well we have a quiet weekend ahead, if there is such a thing with my mum around, so I am hoping it doesn't snow, might get my toes painted and enjoy the Saturday delights of Strictly and Mr Balls. Have a great weekend if I don't see you and look forward to seeing you next week.
Stay being lovely

Love Georgia x