I Really Don't Want To

Published: Fri, 11/25/16

One Down
What a lovely pic of this bevy of beauties last night and you can make out the other two tables that belonged to us also in the background. We saw Father Christmas Ho Ho Ho and there were festive bells, carols and of course the obligatory 12 Days of Christmas with stand up sit down silliness. i understand dancing didn't finish until 12.30 am and i imagine there are a few sore feet and heavy heads this morning. Lovely food, lovely company. Please don't close Baldwins. You really are the best venue for a party night/ dinner and dance. From what I have heard about other Christmas parties held by offices and the like at other venues they really aren't a patch. Roll on Salmon and Strawberries.
I Really Don't Want To But...Talking Of Christmas
Look at this daft lot! Christmas Eve Zumba is on the timetable NOW! As you know, this is a class that fills up rapidly so make sure you book your space. If you can't make it please cancel so someone else can get in. Fancy dress is optional but there will be alcoholic beverages and minuscule, munchie treats for afterwards. All glitter and tinsel will be banned unless you want to be handed a hoover with your sherry. 
It's That Time Of Year
Everyone I speak to lately is stressed to high heaven already with the thought of that one day of the year, Christmas Day. The queues are miles long for Meadowhall, traffic is ridiculous what ever time of day you try to get anywhere. It is easy to forget to look after yourself at this busy time when you are rushing to get the extra shopping bits done, baking etc. Here are a couple of things you can do in just 10 - 15 minutes to reset your nervous system and help you feel better immediately. 
  1. Set your alarm before you do this or you might drop right off and not wake for hours.Lie in a darkened, quiet room (wear a face mask or put a towel over your eyes if you can't get somewhere dark) and focus on your breathing. Follow the breath into your lungs and belly and back out again. Hear your breath. After 6 normal breaths, focus on filling to lungs, then collar bones, then head. Follow the breath out again and do this 6 more times. Then fill but hold for a count of four at each end focusing on nothing but the breath and its pathway. Finish with normal breaths and slowly bring yourself back to your surroundings. To finish, stretch yourself as long as you can from fingertips to toes. Feel every muscle switch on as you lengthen your body. Take a big, deep breath in and then allow your whole body to flop as you huff out. Feel the tingles as you relax every muscle again. You will feel fabulous after this.
  2. This will take a bit longer but is worth the effort. Do some exercise outside. Put on your boots, whatever the weather and walk outside fast for 5 minutes out there and 5 minutes back again. While you walk, pump your arms, breathe deeply and be really aware of the surroundings. Look for trees, feel the wind, the rain, smell the air, see the sky, the clouds. Be really conscious of how small you are in the big World of ours. Then when you get home jump in the hot shower and feel the water wash away your stresses. Picture them leave your body as you breathe deeply allowing the hot water to soak your body and the steam to clear your lungs and sinuses. You will feel rejuvenated and refreshed. 
We have  spiky massage balls both in round form and the peanut shape. They make great stocking fillers for the person in your life who exercises loads, has stiff muscles. They are great for self massage in any tight area like shoulders, bums, calves and backs as well as rolling under the feet to take the pressure of those poor arches that have walked miles trying to find that perfect present.
The round ones are £4 and the peanuts £8
Got To Finish With A Laugh
 There is an advert before this but it is worth it. Just watch how the daft movements of the girl makes the boy laugh. I don't think there is a better sound than the hysterical laughter of children. If you can watch this and not laugh I will wear a Santa hat. 
One Month Today
 Just think, one month today and all the shopping will have been done, all the presents wrapped and torn open again and you will have a full belly and a fuzzy head and be chilling with friends or family. If you are able please spare a thought for those who will be alone or homeless and be thankful that you have the family/ friends to get stressed over. There are many others who are not so privileged. 
I hope to see you in the week but if I don't, stay being lovely and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Love Georgia x