What Have We Learnt This Week ?

Published: Mon, 11/14/16

Is My Son A Trump? 
My mum showed me the photograph below and after at first thinking it was either my ex husband (I have a pic of him in a box in the loft in the exact same pose on a sunbed on holiday) or my son (who looks just like his Dad did at that age) I was advised that, No, it was indeed a young Mr Trump. 
​​​​​​​She is now carrying this photograph around with her in her purse so that she can show all and sundry what her grandson looks like. Why she doesn't carry a real photo of her grandson around with her is beyond me but that is the way she rolls. As potty as a pancake!

So this week. what have we learnt? America are ready for a change, no matter what that entails for their future; and that The Law of Attraction works. You know what you want, you believe you will get it and you do everything in your power to work towards the goal, not listening to the naysayers and the doubters but fully believing it is yours because you deserve it. An interesting term ahead for us all. Glad I don't watch all the nonsense. I would be severely depressed if I did :D

10% OFF  Debut Kitchen
As a local gym with local people, you will probably know by now that the Deli across the road is under new management. They have given us some 10% off discount cards that are on reception.
They are a lovely family who are supporting their chef son with his dream and i believe the plans are to make it a proper deli with breads and pastries baked on the premises.
The coffee is great and they do some lovely teas too. Gluten free flapjack is to die for but obviously I never eat any of that (Mmmmmm? Maybe take some home for Mummy? Mwah ha ha ha). Anyway, if you haven't tried them now is your chance and I am sire I can get some more cards if we run out. 
Xmas Do 
Thursday 24th November is the Christmas Do Whoohoo!! Two people have other commitments so are unable to come so I have two places free if anyone would like to come.
Tickets are just £25 for a fabulous meal and a great night out. You can't beat Baldwins for a good bash.
Let me know your interest by mailing me please. [email protected]
Not Enough Hours In The Day

So you are receiving this on a Monday morning instead of the usual Friday night. Harriet came home on Friday night for the weekend, lunch and a baby shower on Saturday, Sunday recovering after far too many drinks to celebrate the coming birth...not the mother to be of course but I think I had her share. One day I will learn after spending a dreadful day yesterday not knowing what to do with myself to feel better. Have a great week, stay being lovely and hope to see you soon.

Love Georgia x