We Are Finally There !

Published: Fri, 12/23/16

Shortest One Ever!
It is 5.45pm. Today I have made 56 mince pies having been up and in Tescos at 3.00 this morning, done all my Xmas shopping in an empty supermarket, at work for 8am, seen clients until 1, cheese shop for .....you guessed it, cheese Grommit, then emptied car, wrapped some presents, made pies, back at work for 5 to realise left my phone at home which I need for Zumba. So here we are. Mum back home, Steves bedroom bleached from top to bottom and washed over several times, curtains washed, bedding thrown and new put down. The White Rabbit has been living in my head for a fortnight with "No time no time" on a constant reel. Deep breaths and see the lovely angel made for me by a member. She is 2 inches tall and called Vera (short for Aloe Vera which I have needed after burning my undercarriage, not thinking at all when putting boiling water on my lap in a bowl to clear my sinus head cold). All done and dusted for Christmas. Nothing else can possible happen now surely to try to darken my mood. Massive pat on the back to me and all of you out there running around like headless chickens and getting through. You made it. Well Done!

Happy Christmas Everybody!
​​​​​​​We are closed form 12.oo on Christmas eve until Wednesday 9.00 am. Wed for Fri we are open 9.00 - 4.00.
I am on holiday but I am sure I will see you and if you have any queries i am here via email 

Have a wonderful Christmas and I will see you in the New year. I look forward to a fabulous 2017 with you. 

​​​​​​​Thank you a million for all your support and encouragement through good times and bad. I am looking forward to 2016 being out of the way and flying into 2017 with no parachute. Yeeeeehaaaaa!!!

Love Georgia x