Don't Worry It Is Normal

Published: Fri, 12/02/16

Brick Walls And Strawberry Milk
Well here we are in December and the year is coming to a close. One more month and we will be in 2017 and the start of a new year with exciting things to look ahead to. So far, only 2 days in, I feel like this on the left. Totally mad, mouthing a silent scream as, once more, Mum fills her coffee cup too full and trails it through the house. Last night was the icing on the cake after having her room cleaned, bed changed, I am downstairs almost ready for bed. I hear a thump and a shriek. I rush upstairs to find her, the bed and the floor covered in milk shake. She has dropped the MASSIVE cup (that we have said not to use as it is too heavy for her to carry) with milk shake in it, trying to have a drink. So, while I clean the floor, scrub the rug and change her bed she is downstairs filling ANOTHER massive mug of milk to the brim, which she duly spills on the way up the stairs 'two soups' style and stands thanking me while it drips out onto the newly scrubbed rug. There must be a lesson in this for me. I am not sure what yet. Meanwhile, if you do not understand what 'two soups' style means please watch the following video. 

Christmas Opening
    It appears you are wanting to organise your diaries so you can sort out when you can fit your exercise in over the festive season so here are the opening hours
Christmas Eve - 9.00am - 12.00pm
Christmas day, Boxing day & Bank Holiday Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday 28th - 9am - 4.00pm
Thursday 29th -  9am - 4.00pm
Friday 30th - 9am - 4.00pm
Saturday 31st 9.00am - 12.00pm
I will be running some classes on these days depending on availability of instructors and member requirements. 

Couple Of Hours To Spare?

I know that most of you don't have a minute, and if you do you are filling it with something else but if you do have a couple of hours free that you would like to help others in and get paid for it, Home Instead Senior Care are recruiting in this area for this area. The hours offered are from 2 - 16 hours per week and the minimum visit is two hours so you can build a good relationship with your client. If you are interested please call 0114 4469055 or email Kathy on [email protected]
A Year Ago
It was a year ago that, thanks to you, we won the National Fitness Industry Award for Best Customer Service. I get feedback all the time from you saying how great you think we are, how patient Josh is, how bouncy Debbie is. Thank you, sincerely for being part of this wonderful little hub of energy that is Underground Fitness. The stories of improvements I get are all wonderful, from being "able to put my socks on without sitting down" to "waiting at the top of the hill for everyone else to catch up" to "leaving my walking frame at home" are all inspiring and all fantastic reasons to just keep going. It isn't always easy to turn out on dark mornings and even darker, cold evenings. Well done all of you. You are all stars (some of you are gold know who you are :D). I hope to see you next week and if i don't stay being lovely.

Love Georgia x