Got A Couple Of Funnies

Published: Sat, 12/10/16

Worst Christmas Tree Competition
My daughter sent me this photo on the left of her tree in her student house in Newcastle. Never being one to be outdone I thought I would join in the competition and decorate the Underground Fitness Aloe Vera plant. 
​​​​​​​I am very pleased to announce the winner of the competition is Mr Aloe Vera of Underground Fitness. Unless, that is, you have a better one. I will hold the competition open until Friday 16th. Decorations for the tree must be as ugly and as least festive as possible while still resembling the Christmas theme. Please send a photo of your Christmas Crumble Tree to 

Eating Again :D Happy Birthday Little Sam
This tiny 2lb little creature on the left was 19 on Monday so we went out to celebrate with food and sparkly. You may have seen him on reception at night. The stranger to the left is actually Steve. You may not recognise him due to his smile, not often seen. 
Christmas Class Timetable
So we now have a class timetable for the three days in-between Xmas and New year.

Wed 28th  9.30 Pilates
                     10.30 Men On Mats
Thurs 29th 9.35 Zumba
                     10.30 Yoga 
There will be no classes on Friday 30th
New years Eve we will be closed
The classes are on the timetable to book on
Lovely News
    This of you who come early in the morning will have met Lillian who is my daughters best friend and has been since they were 11 years old. She was quite pregnant when she covered reception for us when we were away this October. 
Meet Arthur George who arrived in 2 and a half hours of labour, delivered by the paramedics in the back of the ambulance as they tried to get her to the maternity unit in time. He is a week early and a bonny 7lb 9 and both Mum and baby are doing well.I am going to be visiting for cuddles once Harriet is home and I am germ free. Whoopee...I just love babies. 

Nearly There
Getting a bit festive I know but if you haven't seen this it is really clever. 
 That's it for another week. Thank you for liking my lack of tinsel and general Baa Humbug (get it? BAA Humbug!) Next weekend is the tree buying so I might bring up a bauble for poor old Aloe. Stay calm, think happy thoughts and stay being lovely. 

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x