Back Again

Published: Fri, 02/03/17

Into February We Go

Yes you are seeing correctly. my daughter has turned into a strawberry. The fun you can have with the mobile phone is just incredible. i do wonder what the next generation after this one will be like though. Has anyone seen Wall E? The lovely Pixar film where the little robot falls in love with Eve, the search robot who has come to the dead planet to find life. They both return to Eve's home planet where all humans do is sleep, watch telly, play games and eat without leaving the safety of their mobility bubbles. It is quite frightening even though it is all supposed to be fun. Still, we were giggling our heads off while at Dads and Harriet kept giving us both silly faces and silly voices to go with them. 
it has reminded me that we must book the Salmon and Strawberry night before it gets booked up...and probably book next years Xmas do while we are at it :D
Are You Looking After Your Heart?
Most of you are aware you have a heart beating in your chest and that it is made of muscle :D. Like any other muscle in the body, this needs exercise to keep it strong and healthy. This means you have to get out of breath to make your heart pump a little faster. When on the machines or doing exercises that work the cardiovascular system like burpees or box/ TRX jumps, you need to feel about an 8 on the 0 - 10 scale where 0 = you have done nothing at all and 10 =  you are working so hard you are going to collapse and feel sick (no one should work this hard apart from top athletes). As you can imagine, you WILL feel like you are working hard. If you never get like this then try going faster or putting your level up. Coming to the gym is a social thing BUT leaving with a glowing, pink face and needing a shower is the thing that is going to keep your heart healthier. Not just working your jaw :D. If you know anyone who would benefit from a free trial of our lovely little gym then please forward then this mail and ask them to click on the link below.
A Year Ago
Can it really be a year ago that Terry Wogan died?  This made me laugh...his laugh was totally infectious and for all I spoke above about 'What is The World coming to?' thankfully we are still able to see Terry being his marvellous, silly self due to technology. Love it really
Men On Mats
Do you know a man who groans whenever he gets out of a chair? Who struggles put on his socks? Do you play golf with a man who knows he could play better if he were only a bit more flexible? Do you run with a man who takes ages to get going and lengthen his stride? Who always feels stiff and inflexible? We have 4 spaces in the Monday afternoon Men On Mats class at 2pm. To see a 'real story' from John (second row on the right) please click the link and please get your male friend to click on the link below
Thats it for this week. We are having a quiet one with an intention of a new Zumba song for Monday morning. Have a great weekend if I don't see you. Remember, if you want a carvery then tomorrow is the last day and after that it is shut for about 6 weeks for the refurbishment. Exciting times and a change is as good as a rest. See you soon.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x