Published: Fri, 01/27/17

Finally I get to say Happy New Year to you all although it has been a strange start to mine this year with a couple of funerals to go to of people who have meant a lot to me. My thought is to get these silly plastic things out and wear one constantly as just wearing one alone has me screaming with laughter, never mind trying to talk with one in. Let me know if you want to borrow one. Makes having a discussion wth your other half much more pleasant. 

What Everyone Is Talking About
Work starts on changing the brand of the Toby Carvery to Miller and Carter on 7th February. This shouldn't affect us at all apart from the cherry picker coming in which will be on the drive. We have the site manager details so I will ringing him for daily access information so please, before you come, check the website front page where I will put on any news that might affect your access. They are going to try to keep any water cut offs to the weekend afternoons, but again, I will post daily if there are any problems expected. The website address is 
How Is This Year Going For You? 
It is reported than approximately 50% of people make New Years resolutions that involve some kind of weight loss, getting fitter, eating healthier, joining a gym and these are made as a personal motivation tool to get going and "This year i am really going to do it." Unfortunately, by the time the next December comes around, these resolutions have long fallen by the wayside and, if anything, waistlines are bigger, the gym memberships are still being paid as there is a year minimum contract and self worth falls even further as the realisation kick in of 'failed again'. Because we are different here and we know that motivation alone is only a tiny percentage of what keeps you going when the going gets tough, we have had members here who "HATE GYMS" and say "It won't work because I have tried it before but I will try again 'cos at least I'm not held into a contract this time," for years! We are a family who support through the good and the bad and totally get it when the only thing getting you through the door is the knowledge you can "treat" yourself with a glass of wine when you get home!(We know it isn't a treat really but we don't judge or condemn you for it). I only have two aims I am going for this year. 1. To be kind and good to me and 2. To try to think before I open my gob...especially when I have partaken of the wine. 
​​​​​​​If you know anyone who would benefit from a free trial with us then please forward them this email and get them to click on the link below. No contract, no hard sell, just lovely gym full of lovely people
Healthy Snacks
....Or breakfast as they are for me. if you struggle to get through the morning or the afternoon without a need for a snack then our lovely Liz has the mix all measured out for us for these nutrition bullets. They are packed wth goodness, seeds, nuts and dried fruit. You mix it all up in a bowl with soya milk and malt extract and Bob's your uncle! Once the little balls have been in the oven for 20 minutes they are perfect for that 'nibble' time. Get all your ingredients here for just £10 per full lot or broken down, £6.50 mix, £2.50 malt extract and £1 for the soya milk. Don't slip into the chocolate snacking already. Bite the bullet :D
Finish On A Funny
 This has been sent me this week by SEVERAL people...I don't know why? Anyway, brought back many memories and made me laugh. Hope it does you too. Pure genius! I have finally got the mail organised in time whoopee! I won't be here on Monday as am in London bouncing ideas off others but look forward to seeing you all next week. 

Have a brilliant weekend if I don't see you.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x