Banging Week

Published: Sat, 02/11/17

Birthday Cake!
Yes, this week sees another number added to my years so I am now the grand age of 52 but still only feel about 28 in my head. Thank you to everyone who helped me feel special on my birthday. I had a wonderful day with my Underground family, going out for lunch with my husband, then back to work but returning home to cake and champagne - two other loves in my life. I have a front room that looks like a funeral parlour for all the flowers and thoroughly enjoyed my day thank you all.​​​​​​​
What's Happening Upstairs?
A slightly different birthday outfit but one that is easier on the eye. Modelling this particularly fetching number I went up to have a chat with the site foreman and was amazed to see almost a blank canvas up there. The only thing left are the pillars holding the ceiling up! So far we have only lost water without being told once and are having to put up with a little banging and crashing. We are doing our best to keep it running normally down here but someone has found a piece of wood with nails sticking out of it on the ramp so please be mindful when driving down. don't want any burst tyres. Please also be aware that there are no lights in the car park as there is no pub open. It is very dark which you might want to think about when parking as it might not be as light when yo leave your class as it is when you arrive. 
Zen Tip Of The week
A Lovely little tip from our evening Yoga teacher Lizzie last night that I felt the need to share with you. It is believed that having warm feet helps your kidney function so if we can keep out feet warm (particularly in this cold weather) you will be helping your kidneys produce hormones, absorb minerals, filter the blood to get rid of toxins and regulate your fluid water levels. All that from keeping your feet warm. Who'd a thort it? :D
Free Makeover
 Rejuve Beauty Salon 750 Ecclesall Road are having a Valentines Makeover Day on Tuesday between 10 and 5pm. Go and enjoy a Free 45 minute makeover, receiving tips and knowledge on how to apply your makeup correctly.
Simply choose a time you would like and call Rejuve on 0114 2666559 to book in.
Free goodie bag on arrival and 20% off any products bought on the day. Sounds like a nice pamper session to me. 
Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow!
If it is going to snow then come on! My poor husband has a daft head looking at all the weather forecasts, seeing snow and then it doesn't. Ha ha...that's why I don't bother; not that it makes any difference to me having a daft head or not. have a lovely week everybody and I look forward to seeing you soon

Love Georgia x