Have You Noticed ?

Published: Fri, 02/17/17

More Daylight!
The mornings and evenings are starting and finishing earlier and later, respectively and it is so uplifting isn't it? It is so much easier to get up in the morning when the sky is little brighter and the birds are in full song. Thanks to my lovely hubby, i don't have to get up at 6 every morning but i have been up at this time (and earlier) three times this week and my step definitely has more of a spring into it now the days are getting longer again. Spring is on its way people :D. if you know anyone who has been waiting for the Winter to get brighter before setting off on their new fitness regime then please forward this mail and get them to click on the link below 

Vitamins for Energy
The order is in for vitamins C, D and Magnesium and I am hopeful it will arrive on Monday. The news is full of "Vitamin D for Fighting Off Colds and Flu!" You know me and my Vitamin C. I am certain it helps whenever i feel the onset of a cold coming and start taking it in large doses immediately. There is no scientific proof though, so whether it is a placebo effect I don't know. The Vitamin D supplement study is definitely there for the benefits of taking it in winter as we certainly don't get enough sunshine and it is needed for the absorption of other minerals for bone strength. I know many who have been floored with virus after virus this year. Could this have been prevented with a mass uptake of vitamin D? My jury is out but I am definitely going to add this one to my list  as my muscles feel tired. I will let you know if I feel better next week. Don't forget also that we sell organic Chia seeds too at £18 for a 1Kg bag. the benefits are too many to put in here but lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure are just two biggies . 
Gone But Not Forever
Lovely Lucas has tangoed his last class until December today. He is off to take his family to his Argentine home where they will stay being pampered and loved to death by all his family.
We are excited for him but sorry to see him go for such a long time. I am hoping to get a new dance style class up and running before the end of the week (looking at Swing, Lindyhop or Jive) and will let you all know. I am in talks with a couple of instructors so regulars can await the phone call. Exciting :D if you know anyone who would like a free trial at one of our classes please forward this mail and get them to click on the link below.
All Change...Again
I am changing my email provider as i know there are many of you who want to receive but keep getting thrown into Spam or even wiped out altogether off the list just because your provider is rude enough to assume that you don't want mail from me. I am confident this will all be sorted for next weeks mail so ha ha ha GET ME! Being confident enough with technology to move away from the easy boys and do a totally new thing altogether. Please notice that I only want to send mail to people who are interested in what we have to offer. If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE, please do so very easily by clicking the UNSUBSCRIBE at the top or bottom of this mail. 
I Can Feel It In My Water
This is going to be a very exciting week. I don't know why but I feel all giddy like something very exciting is around the corner. Many, many thanks to Amber for carrying on like a true professional on Wednesday when she couldn't get the music to come out of the machine in the studio and so taught the full Zumba class with only the sound from her phone. Amazing job Amber and thanks to all of class who sang to support her. You are truly exceptional. I hope to see you very soon and have a fantastic week.

Stay being lovely :D

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x