More News About The Ramp And Access

Published: Sat, 02/25/17

Is Something Missing?
What can you see? YES! Yo can see our sign! The Toby sign has gone, to be replaced by the Miller and Carter one soon but I am hoping we can come to an agreement as to where it will go and not block the view of mine altogether. Otherwise I am asking for a couple of strong blokes to help me dig mine up and move is concreted in so will take quite a bit of lifting. Any offers? 

This Week And The Drive
I am not going to be so daft as to put a photo of the drive on here but i have been told that there will be the need to close the drive to cars from Sunday 26th for the rest of the week. Work will only be being carried out in the day so will only affect daytime gym and class users. Also, if the weather is rotten they won't be working so lets hope for rain and high winds :D Ha ha ha ha. 
Actually the better the weather the faster they will get done so sunny and bright all week please and then the might be done by Wednesday. 
New Pilates Times
Welcome Anne Simpson, our new team member joining us to teach Pilates on Monday mornings. She will be taking a Beginners class at 10.35 - 11.25 following with an Improvers at 11.35 - 12.25 (please note that the current 11.00 Improvers time has moved forward). I am very pleased she passed the test of covering for me on a Wednesday night (they are harsh critics that Wednesday night lot :D). Welcome aboard Anne. The taster session for these new classes are to be on Monday March 6th. If you would like to try the taster class please click this link where you can book your session. Places are limited so if you have been thinking of doing Pilates but the times haven't suited or maybe you used to do Pilates but not sure how to get back in then here is there perfect solution. If you know anyone who has been looking for a Pilates class then please forward them this newsletter. 
Ladies That Lunch
You know when you have those friends who you just laugh and laugh with until your belly hurts? This is us on Thursday, meeting for a coffee that turned in to lunch date. Work WAS done but it was done with lots of laughter in a relaxed atmosphere. If more business decisions were made in this way (no alcohol I might add), I feel the whole country might have a massive uplift. We had a ball whilst chatting about our next hurdles and goals. 
Friday Mornings
The lovely Lucas has now left for Argentina which has left a hole in our Friday morning timetable. I am struggling to find a teacher for us but I have found someone who is moving to Sheffield having bought a house so can be with us in a couple of months. Until then one of our members has been jiving for years and is willing to fill in once she comes back from holiday. She can teach both male and female so you chaps don't have to give up. I will give you the start date as soon as I have it. I will be moving the time though to allow for Friday meditation and maybe some yoga or Pilates or both. My mission is to give you lots of options for your class timetable and I am very aware that there isn't much choice in the day. Remember, if you are a member of the gym but don't currently do classes it is only and extra £10 per month for you to include a Pilates or two a week. Let me know if you would like to try any of the classes and I will reserve you a place. Friday mornings are going to be full very soon. Watch this space. 
All For Now
 Nothing left for me to do now but watch Rugby and enjoy the weekend. Have a wonderful weekend if we don't see you, stay being lovely and I look forward to seeing you next week.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x