It's That Time Of Year Again

Published: Fri, 03/31/17

Last One Ever!
This is us lot at Salmon and Strawberries night at Baldwins last year. Unfortunately Baldwins IS closing and so this is the last year we will be able to attend our bi-yearly, stuff your face and then dance it all off shindig at the best dinner and dance establishment in Sheffield. The dates aren't up yet but they will be NEXT WEDNESDAY so I want to get as many people on it as possible so am booking early...very unusual for me. We are going for a date nearest the end June beginning of July before the summer holidays start. If you know you have no commitments at this time and want a place then please bring £10 deposit as soon as you can. I have to pay it when I book so ideally want the money in the bank before I book it. I reckon we might be able to fill one half :D
​​​​​​​Email me with your definite YES! [email protected]
Easter Opening
We are closed for one day over Easter and that is Good Friday 14th April. Easter Saturday we are open 9 - 12am, Easter Sunday 9 - 12am and Easter Monday 10 - 2pm. There will a boxing class on Sunday as normal but this is the only class that will be running due to a lack of team. I am going to Glasgow to see my Dad and will be exercising in the vast depths of garden that has been overgrowing for a couple of years. If anyone has any garden power tools they would like to lend me I would be very grateful. 
We All Feel Sad Sometimes 
It is how we deal with our emotions that make the difference. The natural reaction to us British is to 'buck up' or 'put on a happy face' but this doesn't deal with the issue and normal sadness can escalate to anxiety and depression. 
  • Give your feelings a voice. saying loudly "I am feeling really rubbish and sad because of....." allows your brain to deal with your sadness. Journalling every day is a great way to get your emotions out. No spell check or grammar check is needed. No one else is going to see it. It is just mental clarification of your thoughts and it organises your feelings and emotions in a way that you may start to see a pattern. 
  • Have a really good cry. We try so hard not to cry in our society. Sometimes we feel scared that of we start to cry we may not be able to stop. Or we feel embarrassed by our tears. We should be stronger, should be able to cope. Someone once told me that tears were words the soul can't say. You all know me. I cry ALL the time so my soul must be a right little chatterbox!
  • Once you have had a good cry, have a good belly laugh. Faking it is proven to work the same as not really meaning it so force some laughter out. You will find you are soon laughing at yourself forcing yourself to laugh and those endorphins will kick in. Or you can always stick on a bit of Monty Python, Morecombe and Wise, Laurel and Hardy. Whatever floats your boat and makes you giggle. 
And On That Note
Pure genius at work. Slapstick and comedy timing at its best. Laugh out loud and put your tea down before you watch. 
Holidays Are Coming
So Easter is nearly upon us. Some schools break up today and the rest next week so don't forget if you are going away to stock up on your essentials. Silver Shield gel and liquid for bites, scrapes and upset tummies, chia seeds and Solstic for your energy levels and we also have resistance bands and spiky balls - perfect for putting into your suitcase for those of you who feel guilty if you spend time doing nothing while you are away. 

Have A Good One
 I am having my Mothers Day this weekend as Harriet is home for the week. I am looking forward to some down time and hope the weather holds for some time in the garden. Hope to see you in the week and stay being lovely. 

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x