Don't Forget

Published: Thu, 04/06/17

Meditation Taster Tomorrow Morning
    18 months ago, if someone had told me I would be spending 15 minutes of my day every day meditating I would have laughed and said "Yeah right!" (do you say that about yourself?) It is something I have never put with 'being me'. I am bouncy, can't keep still and there was no way I would have imagined I would be able to sit with focus for 15 minutes. I am amazed at the changes that have come about in my mind and body. I am calmer, more relaxed, less stressed and just tend to go with the flow now. It is wonderful. I really feel it has helped me take care of my body, mind, and my soul to make life easier
Meditation has more tremendous health benefits for you than this though. As well as being relaxing reducing the toxic depositions of the body and the mind, it helps regenerate the body and the mind to be more productive and successful. Proven research shows that meditation helps in:
● Reducing stress levels and anxiety
● Eliminating depression
● Removing addiction
● Getting rid of eating disorders
● Decreasing pain and inflammation
● Reducing blood pressure
● Regulating blood sugar levels
● Improving immune system and bone density
● Increasing fertility
● Improving the skin

Come and try it and have a feel what it is all about and what it can do for you in our taster session tomorrow morning. You don't have to sit on the floor (you can if you want) and it will be a great way to start the holidays
8.45 - 9.15...I can't wait :D 
There are only 8 places left so book yours here [email protected]

​​​​​​​I hope to see you there :D xx