Didn't We Have A Lovely Time ?

Published: Fri, 03/24/17

First Dibs
Well spotlight on Steve and I upstairs for the first night of Miller and Carter Sheffield joined by my sis and bro in law, now to be our local. It was lovely. The staff were all so nervous, as expectations are very high with Miller and Carter being a top brand and a totally new concept to get used to but they did brilliantly. Lovely wine list, great choice of food and the desserts are just the right size to satisfy the need for something sweet without over stuffing. e will definitely be going back to ring that bell Whoo hoo!​​​​​​​
We have 4 places spare on the Tuesday morning Yoga class at 9.30am. 
Yoga develops strength and flexibility, while soothing your nerves and calming your mind. Regular attendees Tricia and Vicky both say they are calmer, stress less and feel much more flexible. If you want to try a class without adding it to your membership to make sure you are going to like it please click the link below. The benefits of regular Yoga far outweigh the additional £10 a month. 

Everything You can Do
​​​​​​​Something has come to my attention recently that I had never heard of but it has an amazing ability to change the growth in cancer cells. Now I am not one to push anything at anyone unless I have tried it myself and,  thankfully I have never had the need to search for anything like this as yet; but, my friend swears by this and then looking into it further it appears this twig has amazing properties which also brings amazing results.
I am not going to push it or give you links to read. Google Paw Paw and cancer and there is plentyof research out there so you can make your own mind up.
What I can do is give you somewhere to go where you can purchase some, once you have read the research and hopefully you will never need it yourself. I have friends, gym members and had family members who, if I had read about this earlier, would have bought it for.  Just ask me to and I will order you some 
[email protected] ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Early Close Tomorrow
With many apologies I am going to have to close at 12.00pm tomorrow instead of 1.00pm. I didn't think of this when I booked myself out to do a workshop across the other side of town and now it is sold out so I have to go....eeeeeeek I am very excited.
The next one is filling up already and I haven't even got an exact date yet! Early May. Want to come? Then let me know and I will save you a place.
Done Again
To all of you Mothers out there, have a wonderful Mothers Day on Sunday. Let's hope for some sunshine so we can go walking and enjoy being looked after by Mother Nature.

Stay being lovely and i will see you in the week

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x