Its Nearly Party Time

Published: Fri, 04/07/17

The Date Is..........?
SALMON AND STRAWBERRY NIGHT IS BOOKED! The date is Saturday 8th July and I have booked us 30 places. They want the deposits of £10 each by next Friday (full price is £22.50 per person) and 10 places have already gone. 20 places left for one of the best party nights ever so who wants to come? Men are welcome but must be prepared to dance with gay abandon without the need to organise us, judge, mock or laugh at us while throw ourselves into what is always a great night out. Excited I am. 

 Phyllis is back again with her lovely jam for sale at £2.50 with £1.50 going to RSPB. Don't forget also the healthy rock cake mix made up for us by Liz to make healthy snack cakes with. i have them for breakfast or in the afternoon for a pick me up. £6.50 a bag and makes approx 30- 50 depending on how big you make them (I make 30 as i like them for breakfast on the go). 
​​​​​​​Now the blossom is out I am sure Mikes honey will be on its way...come on bees!
​​​​​​​Deb has also put some new cards in the cupboard. If you want to see more of what she does you can see it on her Facebook page Debbie Knutton's Art
Zen Meditation
The meditation this morning was a great success so will continue after the Easter holidays on Friday mornings at the same time of 8.45am. I realise this is early for some of you but what a way to start your weekend? The will also be a new Yoga session starting at 9.30am and I am looking to follow this up with a dance session of some sort at 10.45am. Watch this space for this. The first session after the holidays will be Friday 28th April. We have chairs for those who can't sit on the floor and cushions for those that can. Come and be Zen'd out :D
Easy Peasy
You all know how I love the Nature's Sunshine Company because I believe in their origins, their ethics and I have tried and use the products myself. Well I have now made it easier for you to order your products yourself taking away the third man meaning you get them faster, get the offers direct and can buy in bulk saving you money. have a look at the full product range here. They have three offers this month to celebrate their third anniversary, one of which is the silver shield I told you about a fortnight ago. Bargain! We all like a bargain :D. Click here to see for yourself 
Sunny Days
It is going to be glorious weekend apparently so out into the gardens we go. Don't forget suncream and bend from the knees and hips when working those beds. have a great one and i will see you all next week.

Stay being lovely

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x