Very Important !

Published: Fri, 04/21/17

*****Saturday 22nd April****
So this is where I am and that teenie weenie little person you can just see on the stage is my business coach. i will be here for the whole weekend sorting out the jumble in my head along with approximately 300 other people. I love these weekends BUT....this does mean I am not here on Saturday. Unfortunately, although i had it covered, so I thought, my Pilates instructor cover is sick so there is no Pilates tomorrow and the gym cover can't do it either. Don't you just LOVE it when it hits the fan? 
Steve is actually working in his real job but he can get for 10.30am but will have to close at 12.30pm. Uh Oh...I owe him YET AGAIN!
In a nutshell - OPENING TIMES FOR TOMORROW SATURDAY 21ST ARE 10.30am - 12.30pm
​​​​​​​Many apologies for any inconvenience caused. I can only say that I really tried. 

This is one of the many things my mentor has said to me in the past and it is a mantra I try to live by but it is not only useful in Business. This can, actually, be said in most parts of your life. We ALL make excuses to not reach our goals, whether they are to do with fitness, healthier eating, not drinking as much, seeing more of family, friends. We say things like "I don't have time" or "I can't afford it." "It isn't the right time" (well when is?) but I am setting you a task. The NEXT time you find yourself giving a 'valid reason' for not getting to the gym, drinking wine when you are trying to lose your belly, not visiting family... again....ask the question. Is it important to me? You may be surprised at your answer.
Water Water Everywhere
 Maintaining water balance is essential for our survival. The human body is made up of between 60% and 70% water and even mild dehydration causes severe problems with memory, balance, fatigue as well as leading to kidney stones and constipation. The weather is getting warmer and we have no air conditioning in the gym (who wants to breathe in air conditioning?). Please ensure you are drinking at least 2 litres of water a day to keep healthy. Always bring a bottle to workout with and we have bottled in the fridge of you forget.  
Yoga Trial
The NEW Yoga class starts next Friday morning at 9.30am.
Do you feel stiff? Feel old? Stressed? Pressured? 
Yoga is proven to help with all of these things as well as reducing blood pressure and anxiety levels.
If you have never done Yoga before and would like to try please click the link. There is ALWAYS a level that is right for you. You work with your body and what your body can do today. If you know anyone who might like to try then please forward them this newsletter - you could even come together and then go for a coffee after for a catch up?
Done And Dusted
Okay, back to business for me and sorry I won't see you this weekend. Have a great one and I look forward to seeing you all in the week. Stay being lovely.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x