Have I Missed Something ?

Published: Fri, 05/12/17

I Really Saw This
I have to say this week has been one of the quietest weeks ever in the life of Underground. Never have I known it to be so quiet since....well, since forever! Which has left me wondering, have I missed something? I know I'm not a great watcher of the news so may have missed the very important information telling us not to leave our homes as strange craft have been spotted off the coast of Grimsby and you are all in fear of alien abduction. Whatever the reason, and there is no judgement here - you want a lazy week then you just had one, but please come back. We are sick of cleaning now. 

New Yoga Class​​​​​​​
Do you feel old due to feeling stiff and inflexible? Do you feel frazzled and never have time to yourself? Due to the popularity of Tuesday morning Yoga we have a new class time starting of 10.35am as the 9.35am is now full. This is the perfect time to start Yoga if you want to as the class will be full of new starters like you. 
​​​​​​​There will be a FREE Yoga taster class on Tuesday 23rd May with the new sessions starting weekly from June 6th. 

If you would like to gain in strength, be more flexible and feel calmer in your mind then this is the perfect class. Just click the button below to claim your free space.​​​​​​​
If you know anyone else who you think would be interested in having a free trial Yoga session then please forward them this newsletter.  
Mental Health Awareness Week
You know in my house we are very aware of mental health and how easy it is to end up in a bad place without knowing how to get out. The young adults coming through now are worse off than we ever were with the constant media attached to the end of their arms and with Mental Health Departments closing countrywide, we as their constants need to be aware of how to help ourselves and others. 
Here are 7 myths regarding some mental health issues I have found for your perusal.

The more I speak to people the more I find that the people who haven't had any mental health issues in the past are few and far between but most of us think that it is something to be ashamed of. The only way this is going to change is by talking about our experiences with others and let the younger generation know that it is GOOD to talk; that it is good to have bad days so you know when you are having a great day. Boys, in particular need a male role model who they feel they can open up to and not feel ashamed to cry. 
At Underground we love a good cry, it is positively encouraged and it is good for the soul. Someone once told me that tears were just words the soul couldn't find the words for. I LOVE that! 
All Done And Dusted
I can't leave you without a funny so here is a giggle to end the week with. Great 'diet food' advert from Australia that ties in to what you DONT do at yoga :D
Have a wonderful week end if I don't see you and I really DO hope to see you next week. I will be spending the weekend trying to stop my cats eating the baby great tits that are nested in our apple tree. Not a chance I fear. I have had to chase Gordon out of the garden and off the tree three times already. He knows where they are D: 
Stay being lovely.

Love Georgia x