Don't You Love It When ?

Published: Fri, 05/19/17

You Spend 2 Hours Writing Your Newsletter And It Freezes At The End And Disappears?
So...everything I said shortened.
​​​​​​​Tuesday - anniversary - surprise dessert and gift - ace customer care from Miller and Carter steakhouse​​​​​​​
Yoga Free Trial
3 Places left at Tuesday Free trial Yoga Class

Get bendier, get calmer, feel fabulous!


Ask friends, send to possible interested parties

Click on button below 
National Vegetarian Week
 Me not veggy me love meat

 Good for body to be meat free x 3 days per week.

 Swap meat for lentils, peas, beans or quorn
 Allows fibre to push meat through body

 Healthier intestine
What They For?
Green rollers (but come in various colours so don't get confused if you go somewhere else.
Lots of uses including hitting people and computers but here is one that isn't quite so violent. 
7.30 lie in. Tea in bed. Please let me know if you prefer my newsletter in this shortened format. Saves me a lot of time and far less frustration when it disappears. 
Stay being lovely and look forward to seeing you next week

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x