Happy Star Wars Day 2 !

Published: Fri, 05/05/17

Favourite Month
The month of May has always been my favourite month of the year for a few reasons. Mostly because of what happens to the weather - it sleets, it is sunny, it is cold, it is boiling hot, it snows, it blows...and all in the space of an hour. I find it all very exciting and who knows what to wear? One minute you are layering and the next taking them off 'cause you are too hot! Completely mad (maybe that's why I like it?)! i also got married to my lovely hubster in May and this year will be our 9th wedding anniversary. Last but not least though are two days that have turned into the most ridiculous jokes that, for some reason, tickle me every year.
​​​​​​​Happy Star Wars Day for yesterday.....and if you don't get it or haven't heard it .....
And.....Happy Star Wars Day 2 for today.
Wait for it...
Wait for it...

Quick Tip
 I have changed my diet over the past year or so but have started to tweak it in the past couple of weeks. What has surprised me, and I am sure will surprise you, is how little breakfast you get if you weigh it. 
This started as I had to weight my obese cats food out and found I was over feeding them all - just that the healthy two were leaving theirs when they were full and the one with mental health issues was stuffing his face - he is now slim by the way and can run and jump again :D.
​​​​​​​40gms of muesli (check the sugar...some have LOADS!) looks like nothing, but I have reduced it to 30gms and have it with goats milk yoghurt (not diet). It leaves me as full as a full thing and is delicious. Try it. 
On a final note, not that I would want to be this slim or obsessive, Victoria Beckham takes her scales out with her so she can weigh her meat or fish. Lets face it, we eat more than the body needs? We lay it down as fat. For most people it is that simple. 

Wish Me Luck
Feeling very sad at missing out on my quest that was last year my sister and I have just entered the ballot for next years London Marathon. part of me hopes I don't get a place and another part really hopes I do. I have also entered my daughter. We run at a similar pace and it is a lovely dream to have us all going over the line together. Fingers crossed we all get a place Aaaaargh!
That  Time Of Year
Tuesday was World Asthma day. The pollen and fast changes in temperature can trigger asthma attacks but having asthma isn't an excuse not to exercise. Exercise is good for your asthma. In fact, many world-class athletes have asthma, including runners Paula Radcliffe and Jo Pavey, cyclists Laura Trott and Bradley Wiggins and footballers David Beckham and Paul Scholes. Exercise strengthens your lungs helping you get less frequent attacks and when they do come they aren't as debilitating. Keep those lungs strong and exercise regularly to the point of being out of breath. Make sure you have your inhaler handy for just in case. 
Friday Feeling
 Another fabulous end to a busy week. Have a great weekend people and I look forward to seeing you all next week. 
​​​​​​​Stay being lovely

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x