Where Do Yours Come From ?

Published: Fri, 06/16/17

A Bit Prettier
Well no newsletter last week as the fingers just could not type fast enough and I got too frustrated. I am not a patient person and one finger typing just doesn't do it for me. However, this week I have gained a little strength so can tap tap for a short while so, whilst still not the usual dribble fest of gobbledygook that I usually present you with once a week, you do, at least, get an update with a bit of info on life at Underground. Monday mornings are now spent at the Northern General seeing the physio who is very pleased with my progress. No pain no gain is correct!

Salmon And Strawberry Night

We are booked for 26 on Saturday 8th July. If you haven't paid your deposit yet then I have paid it for you but please let me have it by next Friday.
Those who have paid can I please have the remaining £12.50 by the night so I can pay the rest in one.  

Looking forward to it!
Where Do Yours Come From?
"What?" you might say. Your hangups of course. 
Next time you are saying to the mirror or to your partner/ friend "I hate my....." or "I wish my ...... wasn't so big/ small/ fat/ thin/ straight/frizzy" (fill in the blanks etc.) just have a think about where this thought has come from. Who has told you these 'flaws' and why are they flaws? 
Who says what is perfect? 
You were born perfect and not caring about what you looked like in the mirror. When did you decide that something about you wasn't perfect and why? Who said it and was it meant in the way your subconcious has stored it. You see, it might have been said as a joke or by a child being cruel as children can be. My favourite I get is a parent saying "I'm so sorry you have my thighs/ nose/ short legs" passing on the ultimate present of their hangups! Food for thought. Feedback welcome.
Bra Bank

When you are clearing out your drawers please don't forget I have a bra bank. Bras in nearly new or very good condition go to Africa and the rest of the old, grey, fraying cotton things get recycled with he proceeds going to Breast Cancer Care. 

Another Friday
Another Friday hits the calendar. Have you missed me? Well I haven't stressed my poor little fingers too much. Am looking forward to being able to teach again and not having fat little sausages for fingers.
Big thanks to all who are changing calendars so they can cover my classes and thank you for supporting them. 
​​​​​​​Stay being lovely and I will see you all soon.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x