It Was Electric !

Published: Fri, 06/23/17

Were YOU There?
On Wednesday night we went to see one of my husband and I's all time favourite bands at Sheffield Arena for an early husband birthday present - They were amazing by the way. Everything I expected and a little  more. The next day I was so surprised, although why I should have been I don't know because they are fabulous, to find that half of Sheffield were also there and I didn't see them! Danced my bum off and sang myself hoarse! FAB!​​​​​​​
Hand Update
Compression bandages now with ring finger nearly there.  New exercises to do and told to make myself I hurt those who have had massage by me before me. The exercises and manipulation brings tears to my eyes but got to be done. Anyone seen Kill Bill where she is wiling her big toe to move? Feel a bit like her willing my fingers to make a fist. Want to go running again but think I will have to do a Rocky and put boxing gloves on just in case I fall again ha ha ha. 
This Weeks Class Changes

Steve has gone to Gibraltar to see his son and have some chill down time so there is no boxing class tonight or on Sunday morning. Those of you who get greeted by his sunshine smiles and bubbly persona will be upset to have my ugly mug as the first face you see when you walk through the door this week. I will do my best to keep quiet and not disturb your morning pin drop ritual.

Resistance Bands
Resistance bands have arrived for you to extend your stretching and strengthening work  at home rather than just when you are in the gym. Remember that little and often is better than just a once or twice a week blast. Shoulder external rotation work and hamstring stretching are two that are easy to do and benefit you enormously allowing you to feel less shoulder and back pain. Please ask if you don't know how to do these exercises and I will add a video on next weeks newsletter so you can keep a check on yourself. 

Over For Another Week
 Well a busy week ahead for me ... might have to employ the boys to do a couple of shifts. Am looking forward to taking control of the telly though and having everything my own way for a week. See you all soon and stay being lovely.

​​​​​​​Love Georgia x